Bosh sahifa005935 • KRX
Samsung Electronics
45 500,00 ₩
14-mar, 18:23:08 (GMT+9) · KRW · KRX · Ogohlantirish
AksiyalarBosh shtabi: KR
Yopilish kursi
45 350,00 ₩
Kunlik diapazon
45 000,00 ₩ - 45 600,00 ₩
Yillik diapazon
41 700,00 ₩ - 70 300,00 ₩
Bozor kapitalizatsiyasi
367,77 trln KRW
Oʻrtacha hajm
1,27 mln
Dividend daromadliligi
Moliyaviy axborot
Moliyaviy hisobot
Sof foyda
(KRW)dek, 2024Y/Y qiyosi
75,79 trln11,82%
Joriy xarajat
22,03 trln16,93%
Sof foyda
7,58 trln25,85%
Sof foyda marjasi
Har bir ulushga tushum
1,12 ming25,82%
17,22 trln24,57%
Amaldagi soliq stavkasi
Jami aktivlari
Jami passivlari
(KRW)dek, 2024Y/Y qiyosi
Naqd pul va qisqa investitsiyalar
112,65 trln21,91%
Jami aktivlari
514,53 trln12,86%
Jami passivlari
112,34 trln21,81%
Umumiy kapital
402,19 trln
Tarqatilgan aksiyalar
6,76 mlrd
Narxi/balansdagi bahosi
Aktivlardan daromad
Kapitaldan daromad
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi
(KRW)dek, 2024Y/Y qiyosi
Sof foyda
7,58 trln25,85%
Operatsiyalardan naqd pul
22,02 trln10,40%
Sarmoyadan naqd pul
-11,87 trln-150,08%
Moliyadan naqd pul
-2,78 trln-2 290,85%
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi
10,57 trln-74,54%
Boʻsh pul
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a South Korean multinational major appliance and consumer electronics corporation founded on 13 January 1969 and headquartered in Yeongtong District, Suwon, South Korea. It is currently the pinnacle of the Samsung chaebol, accounting for 70% of the group's revenue in 2012, and has played a key role in the group's corporate governance due to cross ownership. It is majority-owned by foreign investors. As of 2019, Samsung Electronics is the world's second-largest technology company by revenue, and its market capitalization stood at US$520.65 billion, the 12th largest in the world. It ranks as the world's largest manufacturer of smartphones since 2011. Samsung is known most notably for its Samsung Galaxy brand consisting of phones such as its flagship Galaxy S series and popular Galaxy A series. It has been the largest television manufacturer since 2006, both of which include related software and services like Samsung Pay and TV Plus. The company pioneered the phablet form factor with the Galaxy Note family. Samsung is also a major vendor of washing machines, refrigerators, computer monitors and soundbars. Wikipedia
Tashkil etilgan
13-yan, 1969
Xodimlar soni
282 874
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