Pàgina d'inici015760 • KRX
Korea Electric Power Corp
Tancament anterior
21.350,00 ₩
Interval de preus d'avui
21.050,00 ₩ - 21.800,00 ₩
Interval anual
18.190,00 ₩ - 25.450,00 ₩
Capitalit. borsària
13,71 B KRW
Volum mitjà
1,48 M
Ràtio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
1,00 %
A les notícies
Balanç de resultats
Ingressos nets
(KRW) | des. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Ingressos | 24,13 B | 7,09 % |
Despesa d'explotació | — | — |
Ingressos nets | 1,14 B | -7,26 % |
Marge de benefici net | 4,74 | -13,35 % |
Benefici per acció | — | — |
Ebitda | 5,50 B | 9,82 % |
Taxa impositiva efectiva | 5,62 % | — |
Actiu total
Passiu total
(KRW) | des. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Efectiu i invers. a curt terme | — | — |
Actiu total | — | — |
Passiu total | — | — |
Capital total | — | — |
Accions en circulació | 641,96 M | — |
Ràtio cotització-valor | — | — |
Rendiment | — | — |
Rendibilitat d'inversió | — | — |
Flux de caixa
Variació neta de l'efectiu
(KRW) | des. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Ingressos nets | 1,14 B | -7,26 % |
Efectiu d'operacions | — | — |
Efectiu d'inversió | — | — |
Efectiu de finançament | — | — |
Variació neta de l'efectiu | — | — |
Flux de caixa lliure | — | — |
Korea Electric Power Corporation, better known as KEPCO or Hanjeon, is the largest electric utility in South Korea,
responsible for the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity and the development of electric power projects including those in nuclear power, wind power and coal. KEPCO, through its subsidiaries, is responsible for 96% of Korea's electricity generation as of 2023. The South Korean government owns a 51.10% share of KEPCO. Together with its affiliates and subsidiaries, KEPCO has an installed capacity of 83,235 MW. On the 2023 Fortune Global 500 ranking of the world's largest companies, KEPCO was ranked 258. KEPCO is a member of the World Energy Council, the World Nuclear Association and the World Association of Nuclear Operators. As of September 2024, KEPCO possesses an AA credit rating with S&P Ratings, while Moody's has assigned KEPCO an Aa2 stable rating.
Originally located in Samseong-dong, Seoul, KEPCO headquarters was relocated to the city of Naju in South Jeolla Province in August 2014 as part of a government decentralization program. The move, which has been in the works for years has been controversial. Wikipedia
Conseller delegat, CO
Data de fundació
1 de gen. 1982
Seu principal
Lloc web