Tuis2202 • HKG
China Vanke Co Ltd
21 Okt., 13:22:32 GMT+8 · HKD · HKG · Vrywaring
AandeelHK-gelyste effekHoofkantoor in CN
Vorige sluiting
$6,73 - $7,03
$3,63 - $14,08
114,51 mjd HKD
Gemiddelde volume
155,40 m
Netto inkomste
(CNY)Jun. 2024J/J-verandering
81,18 mjd-38,69%
6,32 mjd-41,96%
Netto inkomste
-9,49 mjd-212,65%
Netto winsgrens
Wins per aandeel
-2,05 mjd-111,25%
Effektiewe belastingkoers
Totale bates
Totale aanspreeklikheid
(CNY)Jun. 2024J/J-verandering
Kontant en korttermynbeleggings
90,00 mjd-24,82%
Totale bates
1,42 bn-15,52%
Totale aanspreeklikheid
1,04 bn-19,02%
Totale ekwiteit
385,06 mjd
Uitstaande aandele
11,86 mjd
Prys om te bespreek
Opbrengs op bates
Opbrengs op kapitaal
Netto kontantverandering
(CNY)Jun. 2024J/J-verandering
Netto inkomste
-9,49 mjd-212,65%
Kontant van bedrywe
4,25 mjd182,64%
Kontant van beleggings
2,76 mjd6 220,94%
Kontant van finansiering
2,09 mjd116,44%
Netto kontantverandering
9,16 mjd152,05%
Beskikbare kontantvloei
2,52 mjd-45,86%
Meer oor
Vanke is a large residential real estate developer in China. It is engaged in developing, managing and selling properties across more than 60 mainland Chinese cities in the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and Bohai-Rim Region, with the provision of investment, trading, consultancy services and e-business. It also has expanded into Hong Kong, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Malaysia since 2012. Its largest shareholder is Shenzhen Metro. It is headquartered in Vanke Center in Dameisha, Yantian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong province. Vanke was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1991, the second listed company in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange after Shenzhen Development Bank. It had the largest market capitalisation in 2006 on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. As of 2020, Vanke was ranked 208th in the Fortune Global 500. Fortune reported the company having US$53.253 billion in revenue, US$248.360 billion worth of assets, and 131,505 employees that year. Vanke was also ranked 96th in the Forbes Global 2000 in 2020. As of 21 February 2019 its market cap was US$44 billion. Wikipedia
30 Mei 1984
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