Pàgina d'inici2B4 • FRA
Bonesupport Holding AB
Tancament anterior
29,64 €
Interval de preus d'avui
30,10 € - 30,10 €
Interval anual
15,20 € - 39,42 €
Capitalit. borsària
22,62 kM SEK
Volum mitjà
Ràtio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
Borsa principal
Notícies dels mercats
BoneSupport AB is a Swedish biotech company active at the Ideon Science Park in the university town of Lund in Skåne, Sweden, founded in 1999 by Lars Lidgren, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Academic Head of Department at Lund University Hospital in Sweden which is a member of the ISOC group of orthopaedic centers. The company has been funded with more than SEK 500 million in venture capital from inter alia HealthCap, Lundbeck foundation and Industrifonden, making it one of the largest ventures in the Swedish medical technologies industry. Wikipedia
Conseller delegat, CO
Data de fundació
Lloc web