Pagina de pornire462870 • KRX
Shift Up Corp
Închidere anterioară
53.300,00 ₩
Intervalul de astăzi
51.800,00 ₩ - 57.350,00 ₩
Interval anual
47.550,00 ₩ - 89.500,00 ₩
Capitalizare bursieră
3,32 tril. KRW
Volum mediu
242,77 K
Raport P/E
Randamentul dividendelor
Știri despre piață
Shift Up Corporation is a South Korean video game developer and publisher. It was founded on December 2, 2013, by Kim Hyung Tae and is best known for the games Goddess of Victory: Nikke and Stellar Blade. Wikipedia
Director executiv
2 dec. 2013