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Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Ltd
¥ 10,64
6 de fev., 13:56:59 GMT+8 · CNY · SHA · Exoneração de responsabilidade
Último fechamento
¥ 10,48
Variações de hoje
¥ 10,38 - ¥ 10,77
Variações do ano
¥ 7,85 - ¥ 15,13
Capitalização de mercado
23,58 bi CNY
Volume médio
25,87 mi
Índice P/L
Rend. de dividendos
Bolsa principal
Demonstração de resultados
Renda líquida
(CNY)set. de 2024Variação ano a ano
8,44 bi-19,39%
Gastos operacionais
1,05 bi20,16%
Renda líquida
147,85 mi-74,57%
Margem de lucro líquida
Lucros por ação
114,39 mi-84,94%
Carga tributária efetiva
Total de ativos
Total de passivos
(CNY)set. de 2024Variação ano a ano
Dinheiro e investimentos de curto prazo
11,18 bi8,31%
Total de ativos
82,92 bi2,44%
Total de passivos
54,68 bi4,96%
Capital próprio
28,24 bi
Ações em circulação
2,15 bi
Preço/Valor Patrimonial
Retorno sobre ativos
Retorno sobre capital
Variação líquida em dinheiro
(CNY)set. de 2024Variação ano a ano
Renda líquida
147,85 mi-74,57%
Dinheiro das operações
-84,38 mi-108,15%
Dinheiro de investimentos
-707,83 mi65,13%
Dinheiro de financiamentos
279,79 mi-85,43%
Variação líquida em dinheiro
-536,50 mi-158,65%
Fluxo de caixa livre
-8,15 bi-337,65%
Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited is the largest private wind turbine manufacturer in China and the fifth largest overall in the country. The company was listed on the New York Stock Exchange from October 1, 2010 to June 22, 2016. It is developing the world's largest wind turbine with a capacity of 18 MW. The company focuses on designing, manufacturing, selling and servicing megawatt-class wind turbines. Ming Yang cooperates with aerodyn Energiesysteme GmbH, a wind turbine and rotor blade engineering company based in Germany. Ming Yang's key customers include the five largest state-owned power producers in China, with an aggregate installed capacity accounting for more than 5.5% of China's newly installed capacity in 2010. The company started wind turbine production in 2007, with a prototype of 1.5 MW designed by aerodyn. In 2010, Ming Yang started SCD production. The SCD is an innovative two blade turbine by aerodyn. In 2013, the new offshore SCD 6.5 wind turbine was presented. A two bladed downwind offshore turbine with helicopter deck. The first was connected to the grid in 2015. Larger models are expected, and 12 MW is under development. Wikipedia
Data da fundação
2 de jun. de 2006
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