Accueil6806 • TPE
Shinfox Energy Co Ltd
Dernière clôture
111,50 NT$
Variation sur la journée
100,50 NT$ - 108,50 NT$
Plage sur l'année
99,11 NT$ - 182,09 NT$
Capitalisation boursière
22,88 Md TWD
Volume moyen
1,37 M
Ratio cours/bénéfices
Rendement (dividendes)
1,33 %
Place boursière principale
Actualités des marchés
Données financières
Compte de résultat
Chiffre d'affaires
Résultat net
(TWD) | sept. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Chiffre d'affaires | 3,34 Md | 24,05 % |
Charges d'exploitation | 159,97 M | 66,52 % |
Résultat net | 173,43 M | 43,18 % |
Marge bénéficiaire nette | 5,19 | 15,33 % |
Bénéfice par action | 0,75 | 33,93 % |
EBITDA | 569,22 M | 149,54 % |
Taux d'imposition effectif | 21,60 % | — |
Total des actifs
Total du passif
(TWD) | sept. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Trésorerie/Invest. court terme | 4,42 Md | 247,72 % |
Total des actifs | 45,21 Md | 103,26 % |
Total du passif | 31,85 Md | 178,52 % |
Total des capitaux propres | 13,36 Md | — |
Actions en circulation | 220,85 M | — |
Ratio cours/valeur comptable | 2,01 | — |
Rentabilité des actifs | 2,60 % | — |
Retour sur capitaux | 2,88 % | — |
Flux de trésorerie
Variation nette en trésorerie
(TWD) | sept. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Résultat net | 173,43 M | 43,18 % |
Trésorerie (opérations) | 2,40 Md | 272,45 % |
Trésorerie (invest.) | -7,86 Md | -1 183,12 % |
Trésorerie (financement) | 6,21 Md | 264,09 % |
Variation nette en trésorerie | 918,73 M | 408,63 % |
Flux de trésorerie dispo. | -7,13 Md | -245,35 % |
À propos
Shinfox Energy Co., Ltd. is an energy company of Taiwan and a subsidiary of the Foxlink Group. Its subsidiaries include Foxwell Energy Corporation Ltd., Foxwell Power Co., Ltd., and Shinfox Far East Pte Ltd. Shinfox Energy specializes in renewable energy development and offshore wind farm construction and operations.
It currently operates two onshore wind farms with a total installed capacity of 28.8MW. Shinfox's wholly-owned subsidiary, Foxwell Energy, was contracted by Taiwan Power Company for the TPC Offshore Wind Farm Phase 2. It will install 31 Vestas wind turbines with a total of 294.5MW in installed capacity. Shinfox Energy took the top spot in the Round 3.2 auction in July 2024 and was awarded rights to develop the 700MW Youde wind farm by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
In addition to renewable energy, Shinfox Energy and its parent company, Foxlink, established a joint venture with Ubitus K.K. The joint venture, named Ubilink, built the largest AI supercomputing center in Taiwan in 2024. Wikipedia
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