Pàgina d'iniciAMP • ASX
Tancament anterior
1,25 $
Interval de preus d'avui
1,23 $ - 1,25 $
Interval anual
1,04 $ - 1,79 $
Capitalit. borsària
3155,68 M AUD
Volum mitjà
9,83 M
Ràtio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
2,40 %
Borsa principal
A les notícies
Balanç de resultats
Ingressos nets
(AUD) | des. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Ingressos | — | — |
Despesa d'explotació | — | — |
Ingressos nets | — | — |
Marge de benefici net | — | — |
Benefici per acció | — | — |
Ebitda | — | — |
Taxa impositiva efectiva | — | — |
Actiu total
Passiu total
(AUD) | des. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Efectiu i invers. a curt terme | 1927,00 M | -2,43 % |
Actiu total | 33,16 kM | -2,11 % |
Passiu total | 29,51 kM | -1,64 % |
Capital total | 3652,00 M | — |
Accions en circulació | 2531,74 M | — |
Ràtio cotització-valor | 0,86 | — |
Rendiment | — | — |
Rendibilitat d'inversió | — | — |
Flux de caixa
Variació neta de l'efectiu
(AUD) | des. del 2024info | Variació interanual |
Ingressos nets | — | — |
Efectiu d'operacions | — | — |
Efectiu d'inversió | — | — |
Efectiu de finançament | — | — |
Variació neta de l'efectiu | — | — |
Flux de caixa lliure | — | — |
AMP Limited is an Australian financial services company that operates in Australia and New Zealand. It offers superannuation and investment products, financial advice and banking services through AMP Banking, including home loans and savings accounts. AMP is headquartered in Sydney, Australia. The company previously operated a global investment management business through its subsidiary AMP Capital.
AMP has one of Australia's largest shareholder registers, with most shareholders living in Australia and New Zealand. This is because when the society demutualised, all policy holders received shares in the new company.
On 20 April 2018, Craig Meller resigned as CEO after it was revealed in the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry that AMP charged clients for financial advice which was not provided, and misled the Australian Securities & Investments Commission on numerous occasions. At that time more than $1 billion in market value was stripped from AMP shares as news of the company's failings were revealed before the Royal Commission. Wikipedia
Conseller delegat, CO
Data de fundació
1 de gen. 1849
Lloc web