ASOS ADR Rep 1 Ord Shs
14 Mrt., 13:15:52 GMT-4 · USD · OTCMKTS · Vrywaring
VSA-gelyste effek
Vorige sluiting
$3,28 - $3,28
$3,17 - $5,89
304,58 m GBP
Gemiddelde volume
1,64 k
In die nuus
Netto inkomste
(GBP)Sep. 2024J/J-verandering
700,00 m-18,08%
322,65 m-16,23%
Netto inkomste
-47,75 m-1 848,98%
Netto winsgrens
-6,82-2 251,72%
Wins per aandeel
-32,40 m-268,31%
Effektiewe belastingkoers
Totale bates
Totale aanspreeklikheid
(GBP)Sep. 2024J/J-verandering
Kontant en korttermynbeleggings
391,00 m10,67%
Totale bates
2,27 mjd-13,50%
Totale aanspreeklikheid
1,75 mjd-0,51%
Totale ekwiteit
521,30 m
Uitstaande aandele
119,16 m
Prys om te bespreek
Opbrengs op bates
Opbrengs op kapitaal
Netto kontantverandering
(GBP)Sep. 2024J/J-verandering
Netto inkomste
-47,75 m-1 848,98%
Kontant van bedrywe
67,40 m-6,78%
Kontant van beleggings
-20,75 m31,86%
Kontant van finansiering
-17,50 m10,03%
Netto kontantverandering
29,35 m31,32%
Beskikbare kontantvloei
-16,74 m-241,62%
Meer oor
ASOS plc is a British online fast-fashion and cosmetic retailer. The company was founded in 2000 in London, primarily aimed at young adults. The website sells over 850 brands as well as its own range of clothing and accessories, and ships to all 196 countries from fulfilment centres in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Europe. ASOS originally stood for AsSeenOnScreen with the tagline "Buy what you see on film and TV" because it exclusively sold imitations of clothing from those mediums. ASOS's headquarters are in Camden Town, at Greater London House, with additional offices in Berlin and Birmingham. As of 2013, their main fulfilment centre is in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, where they employ 3,500 workers. The customer care department is based in Leavesden. The Danish company Bestseller A/S, owned by the business magnate Anders Holch Povlsen, is ASOS's largest stakeholder, with a 26% share. The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. Wikipedia
02 Jun. 2000
3 027
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