InicioBPT • NYSE
BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust
0,58 $
Después del cierre:
0,57 $
(1,04 %)-0,0060
Cerrados: 12 mar, 18:14:54 GMT-4 · USD · NYSE · Renuncia de responsabilidad
Valor cotizado en EE. UU.Sede en EE. UU.
Cierre anterior
0,58 $
Intervalo diario
0,55 $ - 0,59 $
Intervalo anual
0,40 $ - 3,20 $
Cap. bursátil
12,33 M USD
Volumen medio
180,43 mil
Bolsa de valores principal
Noticias sobre los mercados
Datos financieros
Estado de resultados
Ingresos netos
(USD)sept 2024Cambio interanual
57,00 mil-19,72 %
Gastos operativos
329,00 mil109,55 %
Ingresos netos
-272,00 mil-216,28 %
Margen de beneficio neto
-477,19-293,95 %
Beneficios por acción
Tipo impositivo efectivo
Activos totales
Responsabilidades totales
(USD)sept 2024Cambio interanual
Efectivo y a corto plazo
4,26 M-22,93 %
Activos totales
4,26 M-22,93 %
Responsabilidades totales
156,00 mil-48,85 %
Patrimonio total
4,11 M
Acciones en circulación
21,40 M
Precio-valor contable
Rentabilidad económica
-15,45 %
Retorno sobre capital
-16,36 %
Variación neta del flujo de caja
(USD)sept 2024Cambio interanual
Ingresos netos
-272,00 mil-216,28 %
Efectivo de operaciones
Efectivo de inversión
Efectivo de financiación
Variación neta del flujo de caja
Flujo de caja libre
Información sobre la empresa
The BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust is a United States oil and natural gas royalty trust based in New York, New York. With a market capitalization of US$155 million in early 2020, and an average trading volume of 322,000 shares, BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust is the largest conventional oil and gas trust in the United States. Its assets are in the huge Prudhoe Bay Oil Field, the largest oil field in North America, and at the end of 2006 the trust claimed to have proved reserves of 85.1 million barrels of crude oil. As of the end of 2018, the trust claimed to have proved reserves of 15.77 million barrels of crude oil. Standard Oil Company and BP Exploration, both now branches of British Petroleum, set up the trust on February 28, 1989. They distribute royalties on a portion of the oil produced from the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field, typically 16.4246% of the first 90,000 barrels of net daily production. In their 2018 annual report, the trust estimated it would continue to make royalty payouts through the year 2022. Wikipedia
28 feb 1989
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