AccueilBREE • LON
Breedon Group PLC
439,50 GBX
4 mars, 04:45:12 UTC · GBX · LON · Clause de non-responsabilité
ActionPays où le titre est coté : GB
Dernière clôture
438,00 GBX
Variation sur la journée
437,00 GBX - 441,00 GBX
Plage sur l'année
356,00 GBX - 480,00 GBX
Capitalisation boursière
1,51 Md GBP
Volume moyen
667,04 k
Ratio cours/bénéfices
Rendement (dividendes)
3,19 %
Place boursière principale
Actualités des marchés
Données financières
Compte de résultat
Chiffre d'affaires
Résultat net
(GBP)juin 2024Variation Y/Y
Chiffre d'affaires
382,30 M2,95 %
Charges d'exploitation
271,70 M1,65 %
Résultat net
17,05 M-22,32 %
Marge bénéficiaire nette
4,46-24,53 %
Bénéfice par action
61,25 M7,17 %
Taux d'imposition effectif
26,67 %
Total des actifs
Total du passif
(GBP)juin 2024Variation Y/Y
Trésorerie/Invest. court terme
30,30 M-60,60 %
Total des actifs
2,14 Md15,22 %
Total du passif
1,02 Md27,80 %
Total des capitaux propres
1,12 Md
Actions en circulation
343,60 M
Ratio cours/valeur comptable
Rentabilité des actifs
4,01 %
Retour sur capitaux
5,30 %
Variation nette en trésorerie
(GBP)juin 2024Variation Y/Y
Résultat net
17,05 M-22,32 %
Trésorerie (opérations)
11,00 M-53,59 %
Trésorerie (invest.)
-100,75 M-368,60 %
Trésorerie (financement)
41,40 M384,54 %
Variation nette en trésorerie
-48,30 M-289,52 %
Flux de trésorerie dispo.
23,54 M-11,01 %
À propos
Breedon Group plc is a British construction materials company which has its headquarters at Breedon on the Hill, Leicestershire, England. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. Breedon was traditionally centered around the quarrying of stone at Breedon on the Hill since the late 1800s. During 2000, Breedon was purchased by the Midlands-based aggregates firm Ennstone. In 2009, Ennstone entered administration and was acquired by the investment company Marwyn Materials, after which the firm was reorganised into Breedon Aggregates. Throughout the early 2010s, Breedon completed numerous acquisitions, both of whole companies and assets of larger competitors, such as Aggregate Industries and Marshalls plc. In 2016, the firm was cleared by the Competition and Markets Authority to complete its purchase of Hope Construction Materials. Two years later, CMA also cleared a complex transaction between Breedon and rival firm Tarmac under which numerous plants, quarries, and cash were exchanged. Wikipedia
Date de fondation
4 450
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