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Canal Plus Group
184,50 GBX
21. Feb., 15:38:55 UTC · GBX · LON · Haftungsausschluss
AktieIn GB notiertes Wertpapier
Letzter Kursschluss
188,40 GBX
Preisspanne heute
182,60 GBX - 190,75 GBX
Preisspanne im Jahr
177,25 GBX - 299,90 GBX
1,84 Mrd. GBP
Durchschnittliches Volumen
2,90 Mio.
Canal+ S.A., formerly Groupe Canal+, is a French media and telecommunications conglomerate based in Paris. It runs its own eponymous over-the-top subscription video on-demand service, subscription TV channels in France, distributes third-party channels and services, and is a major source of finance for domestic film production, participating in the financing of the vast majority of films produced in France. Canal+ was a subsidiary of the French conglomerate Vivendi until 9 December 2024. As part of the spin-off from Vivendi, Groupe Canal+ became the independent entity Canal+ S.A. on 9 December, with a view to listing on the London Stock Exchange on 16 December 2024. The conglomerate also has its own subsidiary companies with direct involvement in film production and distribution, such as StudioCanal. Apart from extensive operations in mainland France, the company owns many subsidiaries and operates in countries across Europe, Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, and in French Overseas Territories. Wikipedia
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