China Hongqiao
Vorige slotkoers
$Â 13,26
$Â 9,08 - $Â 13,28
110,05Â mld. HKD
Financiële informatie
Netto inkomsten
(CNY) | jun 2024info | Wijziging j-o-j |
Opbrengst | 36,80Â mld. | 11,95% |
Bedrijfskosten | 1,41Â mld. | -9,56% |
Netto inkomsten | 4,58Â mld. | 272,66% |
Netto winstmarge | 12,44 | 232,62% |
Winst per aandeel | — | — |
EBITDA | 9,17Â mld. | 196,81% |
Effectief belastingtarief | 27,85% | — |
Totale activa
Totale passiva
(CNY) | jun 2024info | Wijziging j-o-j |
Contanten en kortetermijnbeleggingen | 37,50Â mld. | 25,94% |
Totale activa | 213,71Â mld. | 12,86% |
Totale passiva | 103,63Â mld. | 14,20% |
Totaal aandelenvermogen | 110,08 mld. | — |
Uitstaande aandelen | 9,48 mld. | — |
Koers-boekwaardeverhouding | 1,26 | — |
Rendement op activa | 8,73% | — |
Rendement op kapitaal | 10,39% | — |
Nettomutatie in liquide middelen
(CNY) | jun 2024info | Wijziging j-o-j |
Netto inkomsten | 4,58Â mld. | 272,66% |
Operationele kasstroom | 7,13Â mld. | 101,27% |
Kasstroom uit beleggingen | -3,23Â mld. | -6,62% |
Kasstroom uit financiering | -1,03Â mld. | -269,75% |
Nettomutatie in liquide middelen | 2,89Â mld. | 141,64% |
Vrije kasstroom | 3,18Â mld. | 301,60% |
China Hongqiao Group Limited is a company founded in 1994 that specializes in the production of aluminium. Hongqiao is currently the second largest aluminium producer in the world after Chinalco. It is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with stock code 1378, and is incorporated in George Town, Cayman Islands.
Its main production activities are headquartered in the Chinese Province of Shandong plus a new development in Yunnan Province.
The company's founder and former chairman, Zhang Shiping, was ranked 27th on the 2017 Forbes China Rich List with a net worth of $4.8 billion. His son, Zhang Bo, is the current chairman and chief executive officer of China Hongqiao.
From a family base of textile production, expansion into aluminium commenced in 2001 and the Group now has 6.46 million tonnes of licensed primary aluminium capacity, around 16 million tonnes of alumina capacity and is growing its newly established aluminium recycling business, along with downstream aluminium processing and lightweight innovation projects.
The company owns subsidiaries, including Shandong Weiqiao Aluminium Power Co., Ltd., Huimin Huihong New Aluminium Profiles Co., Ltd. and Hongqiao Investment Limited. Wikipedia