Companhia Energetica Minas Gerais ADR Repstg One Pref Shs
시장 뉴스
(BRL) | 2024년 9월info | 전년대비 변동 |
수익 | 101.49억 | 7.66% |
운영비 | -33.56억 | -5,796.65% |
순이익 | 32.80억 | 165.19% |
순이익률 | 32.32 | 146.34% |
주당 수익 | 0.39 | -9.28% |
EBITDA | 48.82억 | 158.32% |
유효 세율 | 27.92% | — |
(BRL) | 2024년 9월info | 전년대비 변동 |
현금 및 단기 투자 | 71.21억 | 70.85% |
총자산 | 630.07억 | 12.18% |
총부채 | 349.42억 | 10.12% |
총자기자본 | 280.65억 | — |
발행 주식 | 28.61억 | — |
주가순자산비율 | 0.19 | — |
총자산이익률 | 19.01% | — |
자본이익률 | 27.97% | — |
현금 흐름
(BRL) | 2024년 9월info | 전년대비 변동 |
순이익 | 32.80억 | 165.19% |
영업 현금 흐름 | 17.17억 | -13.40% |
투자 현금 흐름 | -4.10억 | 74.97% |
자금 조달 현금 흐름 | 7.90억 | 557.40% |
순현금흐름 | 20.97억 | 1,112.85% |
잉여 현금 흐름 | 39.01억 | 9,164.40% |
Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais S.A. is a Brazilian power company headquartered in Belo Horizonte, capital of the state of Minas Gerais. The company is one of the main electricity concessionaires in Brazil. It operates in the areas of generation, transmission, distribution and commercialization of electric energy and also in the distribution of natural gas. The company is responsible for 12% of the Brazil's distribution. It is the fourth-largest electricity company in Brazil by revenue after Eletrobras, Energisa and CPFL Energia.
CEMIG is present in 22 Brazilian states and in Chile. With around 50 power plants in operation, most of them hydroelectric, the company owns around 6,000 MW of generation capacity. Just over half of Cemig's stock is owned by the state of Minas Gerais.
The company is responsible for serving about 18 million people in 774 municipalities of Minas Gerais and for the management of the largest network of electricity distribution in South America, with more than 400 thousand km of lines.
The stock is traded on B3 where it is part of the Ibovespa index. It is also traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Wikipedia
1952. 5. 22.
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