DELIVERY HERO SE Unsponsored Germany Federal Republic ADR
4 Mrt., 00:18:43 GMT-5 · USD · OTCMKTS · Vrywaring
VSA-gelyste effek
Vorige sluiting
$2,87 - $2,97
$1,92 - $4,47
7,99 mjd EUR
Gemiddelde volume
54,35 k
In die nuus
Netto inkomste
(EUR)Jun. 2024J/J-verandering
2,89 mjd19,29%
1,01 mjd7,38%
Netto inkomste
-359,10 m6,72%
Netto winsgrens
Wins per aandeel
-79,25 m18,93%
Effektiewe belastingkoers
Totale bates
Totale aanspreeklikheid
(EUR)Jun. 2024J/J-verandering
Kontant en korttermynbeleggings
1,76 mjd-8,74%
Totale bates
10,40 mjd-11,01%
Totale aanspreeklikheid
9,15 mjd5,82%
Totale ekwiteit
1,24 mjd
Uitstaande aandele
284,30 m
Prys om te bespreek
Opbrengs op bates
Opbrengs op kapitaal
Netto kontantverandering
(EUR)Jun. 2024J/J-verandering
Netto inkomste
-359,10 m6,72%
Kontant van bedrywe
51,60 m158,24%
Kontant van beleggings
27,85 m160,28%
Kontant van finansiering
-21,20 m70,60%
Netto kontantverandering
48,25 m119,57%
Beskikbare kontantvloei
-19,04 m-344,35%
Meer oor
Delivery Hero SE is a German multinational online food ordering and food delivery company based in Berlin, Germany. Founded in 2011, the company operates in 70+ countries internationally in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin and South America, and the Middle East, and partners with 500,000+ restaurants. Delivery Hero has increasingly branched out beyond food delivery, and is a leading player in the emerging category of quick commerce, which delivers small batch orders in under an hour. In the third quarter of 2021, Delivery Hero processed 791 million orders—that equals a year-on-year growth of 52%. While Delivery Hero is headquartered in Germany with offices worldwide, as a "gig economy company" nearly all of the company's deliveries are carried out by workers using motorcycles, bicycles and cars, dispatched via the company's smartphone apps. In general, and in contrast to recent legal precedents in Canada and Australia, Delivery Hero does not classify these couriers as employees. This policy has led to ongoing legal battles and labour disputes, and may be linked to the shutdowns of Delivery Hero's operations in several countries. Wikipedia
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