Faqja kryesoreDJGT • Indeks
Dow Jones Global Titans 50
14 mar, 10:56:49 e paradites, GMT-4 · INDEXDJX · Mohimi i përgjegjësisë
Mbyllja e fundit
Diapazoni ditor
667,62 - 676,41
Diapazoni vjetor
587,03 - 745,25
Lajmet nga tregu
The Dow Jones Global Titans 50 index is a float-adjusted index of 50 of the largest and best known blue chip companies traded on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, Euronext, London Stock Exchange, and Tokyo Stock Exchange. The index represents the biggest and most liquid stocks traded in individual countries. It was created by Dow Jones Indexes to reflect the globalization of international blue chip securities in the wake of mergers and the creation of megacorporations. The DJ Global Titans 50 is part of the Dow Jones Global Titans Indexes. They are large cap companies with at least some of their operations outside of their domestic markets. Each index is constructed by selecting stocks from the corresponding benchmark indexes of the Dow Jones Global Indexes. Dow Jones also offers the Dow Jones Sector Titans Indexes, which are global indexes covering large-cap stocks in sectors such as financial services, chemicals, industrial goods and services, energy, consumer goods, and noncyclical goods and services. Wikipedia
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