DSV A S Unsponsored ADR
Viimane sulgemishind
101,55 $
Tänane vahemik
101,21 $ - 101,70 $
Aasta vahemik
70,19 $ - 115,75 $
350,09 mld DKK
Keskmine maht
92,94 tuh
(DKK) | dets 2024info | Y/Y muutus |
Käive | 43,51 mld | 19,13% |
Põhitegevusega seonduv kulu | 6,86 mld | 5,36% |
Puhastulu | 2,21 mld | −24,03% |
Puhaskasumimarginaal | 5,08 | −36,18% |
Puhaskasum aktsia kohta | 0,84 | −18,58% |
EBITDA | 4,18 mld | 0,35% |
Tõhus maksumäär | 23,46% | — |
Kogu vara
Kõik kohustused
(DKK) | dets 2024info | Y/Y muutus |
Sularaha ja lühiajalised investeeringud | 83,58 mld | 1 195,35% |
Kogu vara | 236,54 mld | 60,79% |
Kõik kohustused | 122,04 mld | 56,18% |
Kogu omakapital | 114,50 mld | — |
Emiteeritud aktsiate arv | 235,04 mln | — |
Hinna ja väärtuse suhe P/B | 0,21 | — |
Varade tasuvus | 4,97% | — |
Kapitali tasuvus | 6,23% | — |
Raha ja raha ekvivalentide muutus
(DKK) | dets 2024info | Y/Y muutus |
Puhastulu | 2,21 mld | −24,03% |
Põhitegevuse rahakäive | 2,84 mld | 45,18% |
Investeeringute raha | −806,00 mln | −120,22% |
Finantseerimise raha | 72,85 mld | 2 244,03% |
Raha ja raha ekvivalentide muutus | 75,04 mld | 3 599,77% |
Tasuta rahavoog | 1,61 mld | 80,40% |
DSV A/S is a Danish transport and logistics company offering global transport services by road, air, sea and train. Since its foundation in 1976 by nine independent Danish hauliers, the company has achieved rapid expansion and international presence, predominantly through a series of strategic competitor acquisitions, some of the most important ones being Samson Transport, DFDS Dan Transport Group, J.H.Bachmann, Frans Maas, ABX LOGISTICS, UTi Worldwide, Inc., Panalpina Welttransport AG and Agility Global Integrated Logistics.
With headquarters in Hedehusene, Denmark, and offices in more than 80 countries, DSV employs 74,000 people, including temporary workers and collaborates with partners and agents globally. The company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen and included in the OMXC25 index as one of the 25 most traded stocks.
The company is structured in three divisions, Road, Air & Sea, and Solutions. Its main activities lie within road transport networks in Europe, North America and South Africa, global air and sea freight forwarding business, and contract logistics across the globe. Wikipedia
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