MwanzoEDIN • LON
Edinburgh Investment Trust PLC
Bei iliyotangulia
GBX 747.00
Bei za siku
GBX 744.00 - GBX 751.00
Bei za mwaka
GBX 647.90 - GBX 786.00
Thamani ya kampuni katika soko
1.09B GBP
Wastani wa hisa zilizouzwa
elfu 300.53
Uwiano wa bei na mapato
Mgao wa faida
Ubadilishanaji wa msingi
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The Edinburgh Investment Trust Public Limited Company is an investment trust company dedicated to investing in larger companies. Established in 1889, the trust is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is currently a constituent of the FTSE 250.
Neil Woodford became the fund manager when Invesco Asset Management Limited was appointed in September 2008. On learning that Woodford would be leaving Invesco Perpetual in April 2014, the Trust board decided "that Invesco
Perpetual should continue as Manager with Mark Barnett taking responsibility for the management of [the] portfolio with effect from 28 January 2014." Majedie Asset Management Limited was appointed in 2020 and Liontrust Asset Management took over in April 2022. Wikipedia
1 Mac 1889