StartsideELPC • BCBA
Companhia Paranaense de Energia
0,00 $
28. feb., 17:35:06 GMT-3 · USD · BCBA · Ansvarsfraskrivelse
Verdipapir notert i ARMed hovedkvarter i BR
4,69 mrd. USD
I nyhetene
(BRL)des. 2024Endring år til år
6,02 mrd.8,11 %
−202,30 mill.83,01 %
586,51 mill.−33,28 %
Netto resultatmargin
9,74−38,32 %
Fortjeneste per aksje
1,30 mrd.−10,67 %
Faktisk avgiftssats
−5,37 %
Totale aktiva
Totale passiva
(BRL)des. 2024Endring år til år
Kontant / kortsiktige inv.
4,16 mrd.−26,19 %
Totale aktiva
57,38 mrd.2,80 %
Totale passiva
31,75 mrd.0,38 %
Total egenkapital
25,64 mrd.
Utestående aksjer
Avkastning på aktiva
3,80 %
Avkastning på kapital
5,07 %
Netto kontantstrøm
(BRL)des. 2024Endring år til år
586,51 mill.−33,28 %
Kontantstrøm fra drift
749,37 mill.−36,80 %
Kontanter fra investering
−4,61 mrd.−806,90 %
Kontanter fra finansiering
445,38 mill.174,20 %
Netto kontantstrøm
−3,42 mrd.−4 549,03 %
Fri kontantstrøm
−7,18 mrd.−3 969,20 %
Ligga is a Brazilian electric utility company, the largest company of the State of Paraná, founded on October 26, 1954 with ownership control held by the State of Paraná. Originally Copel - Companhia Paranaense de Energia, the company was renamed Ligga in 2022. The Company went public in April 1994 on the Brazilian B3 stock market, and in 1997 was the first company of the Brazilian electricity sector to be listed at the New York Stock Exchange. As from June 2002, the brand is also present at the European Economic Community, having been listed at Latibex - the Latin American index of companies of the Madrid Stock Exchange. As of May 7, 2008, Copel's shares were ranked at Level 1 of São Paulo Stock Exchange's Corporate Governance. In 2019, Copel announced a plan to divest their natural gas and telecommunications holdings to focus entirely on electricity. In 2020, Copel Telecom was sold to the Bordeaux Fundo de Investimento. The Company directly serves 3,549,256 consuming units, across 393 cities and 1,114 locations, located in the State of Paraná. This network consists of 2.8 million homes, 63.8 plants, 295.5 commercial establishments and 341.6 rural properties. Wikipedia
Administrerende direktør
26. okt. 1954
4 444
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