होमENX • EPA
Euronext NV
अघिल्लो दिनको अन्तिम मूल्य
€ १२४.७०
दिनको न्यूनतम र अधिकतम मूल्य
€ १२४.५० - € १२६.६०
वर्षको न्यूनतम र अधिकतम मूल्य
€ ८२.८५ - € १२६.६०
औसत कारोबार
२.७० लाख
लागत र आम्दानीको अनुपात
लाभांशबापत हुने कमाइ
धितोपत्र विनिमय हुने मुख्य बजार
Euronext N.V. is a European bourse that provides trading and post-trade services for a range of financial instruments.
Traded assets include regulated equities, exchange-traded funds, warrants and certificates, bonds, derivatives, commodities, foreign exchange as well as indices. By the end of 2023, Euronext operated nearly 2,000 listed issuers with a market capitalization of approximately €6.6 trillion.
Euronext is the largest center for debt and funds listings in the world, and provides technology and managed services to third parties. In addition to its main regulated market, it operates Euronext Growth and Euronext Access, providing access to listing for small and medium-sized enterprises. Euronext Paris accounts for more than 80% of Euronext’s total market cap.
Euronext also plays a key role in commodities trading, offering markets for power through Nord Pool and for fish through Fish Pool, alongside other agricultural commodities such as milling wheat and rapeseed. Wikipedia
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