BerandaEVEN3 • BVMF
Even Construtora e Incorporadora S/A
18 Okt, 21.26.57 GMT-3 · BRL · BVMF · Pernyataan Penyangkalan
SahamSekuritas terdaftar di BR
Tutup sebelumnya
Rentang hari
R$6,28 - R$6,63
Rentang tahun
R$5,63 - R$8,75
Kapitalisasi pasar
1,26 M BRL
Volume Rata-Rata
1,34 jt
Rasio P/E
Hasil dividen
Bursa utama
Skor Perubahan Iklim CDP
Berita pasar
Laporan Pendapatan
Laba bersih
(BRL)Jun 2024Perubahan Y/Y
922,68 jt78,45%
Biaya operasional
54,06 jt11,10%
Laba bersih
101,03 jt80,21%
Margin laba bersih
Penghasilan per saham
137,32 jt120,85%
Tarif pajak efektif
Total aset
Total liabilitas
(BRL)Jun 2024Perubahan Y/Y
Investasi tunai jangka pdk
628,34 jt-34,07%
Total aset
5,77 M-15,99%
Total liabilitas
3,77 M-6,22%
Total ekuitas
2,01 M
Saham yang beredar
198,85 jt
Harga terhadap nilai buku
Tingkat pengembalian aset
Tingkat pengembalian modal
Perubahan kas bersih
(BRL)Jun 2024Perubahan Y/Y
Laba bersih
101,03 jt80,21%
Kas dari operasi
Kas dari investasi
Kas dari pembiayaan
Perubahan kas bersih
Arus kas bebas
Even is a Brazilian construction and real estate company. It is listed on B3, the São Paulo Stock Exchange. Even has operated in the real estate sector for more than 40 years and is one of the largest developers and builders in the São Paulo metropolitan area. The company maintains a strategic focus on the cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre. The company has vertically integrated operations, executing all the development stages of its projects, from site prospecting, property development and brokerage activities to the project‘s construction. Even also have two brokerage companies: Even Vendas and Even More, both of which operate in 100% of the company‘s projects selling units and providing services exclusively for Even. Major competitors include: Cyrela Brazil Realty, Gafisa, Rossi Residencial, PDG Realty, Brookfield Incorporações, and MRV Engenharia. In 2018, Leandro Melnick became President and CEO of the company, and João Eduardo de Azevedo Silva stepped into the roles of Vice President and COO. After restructuring Even entered a new period of growth in 2023 under new CEO Marcio Moraes’ leadership, focused on higher-end real state in São Paulo. Wikipedia
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