PagrindinisEXCO32 • BVMF
Almacenes Exito Bdr
Ankstesnė uždarymo kaina
9,90 R$
Dienos intervalas
9,71 R$ - 10,00 R$
Metų intervalas
9,61 R$ - 16,45 R$
Vidutinė prekybos apimtis
91,31 tūkst.
Rinkos naujienos
Grupo Éxito is a South American retail company. It operates 2,606 stores in South America. The stores sell a wide range of food and non food products. Though originally a textiles maker and seller recent acquisitions have further diversified the business making it a major grocer. At its hypermarkets it sells both packaged foods and perishables in addition to department store type products ranging from electronics to furniture.
Éxito is Colombia's largest supermarket chain. Wikipedia
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