Bosh sahifaFECCF • OTCMKTS
Frontera Energy Corp
Yopilish kursi
5,68 $
Kunlik diapazon
5,69 $ - 5,73 $
Yillik diapazon
5,08 $ - 7,30 $
Bozor kapitalizatsiyasi
675,87 mln CAD
Oʻrtacha hajm
27,53 ming
Dividend daromadliligi
Asosiy maydon
Bozor yangiliklari
Moliyaviy axborot
Moliyaviy hisobot
Sof foyda
(USD) | sen, 2024info | Y/Y qiyosi |
Daromad | 278,48 mln | -9,84% |
Joriy xarajat | 81,80 mln | 1,69% |
Sof foyda | 16,59 mln | -49,09% |
Sof foyda marjasi | 5,96 | -43,51% |
Har bir ulushga tushum | — | — |
EBITDA | 100,95 mln | -20,93% |
Amaldagi soliq stavkasi | 38,96% | — |
Jami aktivlari
Jami passivlari
(USD) | sen, 2024info | Y/Y qiyosi |
Naqd pul va qisqa investitsiyalar | 205,57 mln | 8,66% |
Jami aktivlari | 3,02 mlrd | 4,00% |
Jami passivlari | 1,21 mlrd | 3,04% |
Umumiy kapital | 1,80 mlrd | — |
Tarqatilgan aksiyalar | 80,79 mln | — |
Narxi/balansdagi bahosi | 0,27 | — |
Aktivlardan daromad | 2,72% | — |
Kapitaldan daromad | 3,51% | — |
Pul aylanmasi
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi
(USD) | sen, 2024info | Y/Y qiyosi |
Sof foyda | 16,59 mln | -49,09% |
Operatsiyalardan naqd pul | 124,06 mln | -19,42% |
Sarmoyadan naqd pul | -94,85 mln | 28,55% |
Moliyadan naqd pul | -178,00 ming | 98,31% |
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi | 24,91 mln | 180,05% |
Boʻsh pul | 36,78 mln | 168,45% |
Frontera Energy is a Canadian petroleum exploration and production company in the business of heavy crude oil and natural gas. Its focus is on Colombia and Peru where it holds numerous properties including 38 blocks in the Llanos, Sucre-Co Lower Magdalena and Cesar Valley, Rancheria, Upper and Middle Magdalena Valley, Putumayo Valley, Ucayali and Maranon basins.
In early 2010 it was the largest independent oil company operating in South America and in terms of private companies the fastest growing one in Colombia. In 2011 it was responsible for 41% of the growth in oil production in Colombia. In mid-2015 it changed its name from Pacific Rubiales to Pacific Exploration and Production, signalling the diminished importance of the Rubiales oil field in Colombia in the company's total assets and a broader focus in Latin America. Wikipedia
Tashkil etilgan
12-iyn, 2017
Bosh ofis
Xodimlar soni
1 107