ПочетнаFERG • NYSE
Ferguson Enterprises Inc
182,28 $
После радног времена:(0,00%)0,00
182,28 $
Затворено: 6. феб, 16:15:05 GMT-5 · USD · NYSE · Одрицање одговорности
Претходно закључено
182,99 $
Дневни опсег
180,59 $ - 183,90 $
Годишњи опсег
167,28 $ - 225,63 $
Тржишна вредност
36,45 млрд. USD
Просечна количина
1,51 мил.
Добит од дивиденди
Примарна размена
У вестима
Основни подаци
Ferguson Enterprises Inc., headquartered in Newport News, Virginia and organized in Delaware, is the largest U.S. distributor of plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, appliances, and lighting to pipes, valves and fittings, and water and wastewater products. The company receives 95% of its revenue in the United States and 5% of its revenue in Canada. The company has 36,000 suppliers and operates from 11 regional distribution centers, four MDCs, approximately 5,900 fleet vehicles, and 1,773 branches. Build.com is the company's primary online shopping channel. Its primary competitors are Amazon.com in e-commerce and Home Depot in retail.
In August 2024, Ferguson plc merged into the company. Wikipedia
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