Pàgina d'iniciFUN • NYSE
Cedar Fair
43,39 $
Fora d'hores:
43,39 $
(0,00 %)0,00
Tancat: 3 de març, 17:09:01 GMT-5 · USD · NYSE · Exempció de responsabilitat
AccióValor cotitzat de: EUA
Tancament anterior
43,97 $
Interval de preus d'avui
42,65 $ - 45,24 $
Interval anual
35,93 $ - 58,70 $
Capitalit. borsària
4351,09 M USD
Volum mitjà
1,21 M
Ràtio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
2,77 %
Borsa principal
Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, or simply Cedar Fair, was an American company headquartered at its flagship Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio, United States. The company was a publicly traded master limited partnership that originally formed in 1983 following Cedar Point's acquisition of Valleyfair, in which the name of both parks were combined to form the name Cedar Fair. By 2006, the company's portfolio had grown to eleven amusement parks, eleven outdoor water parks, and one indoor water park in the US and Canada. The acquisition of Schlitterbahn added two more outdoor water parks in 2019. Cedar Fair and longtime rival Six Flags merged on July 1, 2024, forming a new company and retaining the Six Flags name. Announced in November 2023 as a merger of equals, former Cedar Fair leadership remained in control of the new company, along with two former Six Flags executives. The company's headquarters will reside in Charlotte, North Carolina, a site once occupied by Paramount Parks before its acquisition by Cedar Fair in 2006, while the company will continue to use its Sandusky office location for financial and administrative operations. Wikipedia
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Data de fundació
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