GlobeImmune Inc
$ 0.00010
21 Feb, 00:19:02 GMT -5 · USD · OTCMKTS · Kanusho
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$ 0.00010
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10.00 USD
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(USD)2015Mabadiliko Tangu Mwaka Uliopita
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(USD)2015Mabadiliko Tangu Mwaka Uliopita
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elfu 217.96230.64%
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GlobeImmune, Inc. is a clinical-stage public biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Louisville, Colorado, that develops therapeutic vaccines to treat cancer and infectious diseases. As of August 2014, the company had no marketed products. GlobeImmune’s therapeutic vaccines are developed on the company’s Tarmogen immunotherapy platform. Tarmogens are made from genetically modified yeast that express one or more disease-associated antigens. Tarmogens activate T cells to specifically target and eliminate diseased cells with the same target antigen. The company has partnerships with Celgene and the National Cancer Institute for the development of cancer vaccines. Their collaboration with Gilead for the development of therapeutic vaccines for the treatment of hepatitis B was terminated in November 2016 after the product they were developing failed a clinical trial the year before. With respect to financing in the absence of revenue, the company raised US$17,500,000 through a Series E Preferred Stock offering in January 2010. As of August 2015, GlobeImmune had two therapeutic vaccines in clinical trials, GI-6207 and GI-6301, for the treatment of various cancers. Wikipedia
1 Jan 1995
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