Pàgina d'iniciGIL ‱ NYSE
Gildan Activewear Inc
49,83 $
Fora d'hores:
49,83 $
(0,00 %)0,00
Tancat: 22 de nov., 16:00:14 GMT-5 · USD · NYSE · ExempciĂł de responsabilitat
AcciĂłValor cotitzat de: EUAAmb seu a: CA
Tancament anterior
49,48 $
Interval de preus d'avui
49,62 $ - 50,12 $
Interval anual
30,68 $ - 50,58 $
Capitalit. borsĂ ria
7695,57 M USD
Volum mitjĂ 
693,16 k
RĂ tio PER
Rendibilitat per dividend
1,65 %
PuntuaciĂł climĂ tica del CDP
Balanç de resultats
Ingressos nets
(USD)set. del 2024VariaciĂł interanual
891,11 M2,44 %
Despesa d'explotaciĂł
78,10 M-5,00 %
Ingressos nets
131,47 M3,22 %
Marge de benefici net
14,750,75 %
Benefici per acciĂł
0,8514,86 %
228,28 M24,26 %
Taxa impositiva efectiva
19,21 %—
Actiu total
Passiu total
(USD)set. del 2024VariaciĂł interanual
Efectiu i invers. a curt terme
121,34 M-20,86 %
Actiu total
3735,19 M4,56 %
Passiu total
2169,56 M37,37 %
Capital total
1565,62 M—
Accions en circulaciĂł
154,42 M—
RĂ tio cotitzaciĂł-valor
13,35 %—
Rendibilitat d'inversiĂł
15,69 %—
VariaciĂł neta de l'efectiu
(USD)set. del 2024VariaciĂł interanual
Ingressos nets
131,47 M3,22 %
Efectiu d'operacions
178,22 M-41,59 %
Efectiu d'inversiĂł
-29,26 M27,73 %
Efectiu de finançament
-160,96 M30,16 %
VariaciĂł neta de l'efectiu
-11,80 M-134,80 %
Flux de caixa lliure
116,94 M-41,16 %
Gildan Activewear Inc. is a Canadian manufacturer of branded clothing, including undecorated blank activewear such as t-shirts, sport shirts and fleeces, which are subsequently decorated by screen printing companies with designs and logos. The company also supplies branded and private label athletic, casual, and dress socks to retail companies in the United States including Gold Toe Brands, PowerSox, SilverToe, Auro, All Pro, and the Gildan brand. The company also manufactures and distributes Under Armour and New Balance brand socks. The company has approximately 44,000 employees worldwide, and owns and operates manufacturing facilities in Rio Nance, Honduras and the Caribbean. Glenn and Greg Chamandy founded Gildan in 1984 with the acquisition of a knitting mill in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, to make fabric to supply Harley Inc., the childrenswear business already owned by the family. It later expanded to sell t-shirts made of 100% cotton to wholesalers, which resold them to United States and Canadian screen-printers, to be decorated with designs and logos. By 1994, Harley was closed in order to focus on the expansion of what had become Gildan Activewear. Wikipedia
Conseller delegat, CO
Data de fundaciĂł
8 de maig 1984
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