Grieg Seafood
Dernière clôture
6,00 $
Variation sur la journée
4,10 $ - 4,10 $
Plage sur l'année
4,10 $ - 6,40 $
Volume moyen
Ratio cours/bénéfices
Rendement (dividendes)
Actualités des marchés
Données financières
Compte de résultat
Chiffre d'affaires
Résultat net
(NOK) | déc. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Chiffre d'affaires | 2,14 Md | 10,60 % |
Charges d'exploitation | 1,10 Md | 69,32 % |
Résultat net | -1,59 Md | -390,47 % |
Marge bénéficiaire nette | -74,16 | -362,61 % |
Bénéfice par action | -0,92 | 49,25 % |
EBITDA | 347,66 M | -46,38 % |
Taux d'imposition effectif | 0,09 % | — |
Total des actifs
Total du passif
(NOK) | déc. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Trésorerie/Invest. court terme | 202,98 M | -15,29 % |
Total des actifs | 13,05 Md | -4,49 % |
Total du passif | 9,20 Md | 31,52 % |
Total des capitaux propres | 3,85 Md | — |
Actions en circulation | 112,24 M | — |
Ratio cours/valeur comptable | 0,17 | — |
Rentabilité des actifs | 3,31 % | — |
Retour sur capitaux | 4,02 % | — |
Flux de trésorerie
Variation nette en trésorerie
(NOK) | déc. 2024info | Variation Y/Y |
Résultat net | -1,59 Md | -390,47 % |
Trésorerie (opérations) | -212,54 M | 70,90 % |
Trésorerie (invest.) | -482,94 M | -14 287,57 % |
Trésorerie (financement) | 741,23 M | 11,81 % |
Variation nette en trésorerie | 47,87 M | 168,70 % |
Flux de trésorerie dispo. | -774,21 M | 30,12 % |
À propos
Grieg Seafood is an international seafood company with fish farms in Rogaland and Finnmark in Norway, British Columbia and Shetland. The company specializes in fresh Atlantic salmon. It has an annual production of 80,000 tonnes of salmon and trout. The company is based in Bergen, Norway, and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
The company was listed on 20 July 2007. The largest owners are Grieg Holdings and Halde Invest. The corporation was previously a subsidiary of the Grieg Group, and is still co-located with its largest owner in Downtown Bergen. In 2006, the company performed a merger with Volden Group and has previously also operated in Denmark and Chile.
The company is "licensed to produce 23,400 tonnes of salmon annually to North American and Asian markets." The Global Aquaculture Alliance, a standards-setting organization for seafood, has awarded Grieg Seafood as Best Aquaculture Practices.
Together with Marine Harvest and Cermaq, Grieg controls more than 90% of the salmon farming industry in British Columbia, Canada. Wikipedia
Date de fondation
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