דף הביתH1FC34 • BVMF
Hf Sinclair Corporation Bdr
‏212.53 ‏R$
21 בפבר׳, 12:08:20 GMT-3‎ · BRL · BVMF · כתב ויתור
נייר ערך שרשום בBRהמשרד הראשי של החברה נמצא בארה"ב
שער סגירה קודם
‏212.53 ‏R$
טווח שנתי
‏212.53 ‏R$ - ‏299.38 ‏R$
שווי שוק
6.90B‏ USD
נפח מסחר ממוצע
מידע כללי
HF Sinclair Corporation is an energy company that manufactures and sells products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, renewable diesel, specialty lubricant products, specialty chemicals, and specialty and modified asphalt, among others. It is based in Dallas, Texas, United States. The company operates seven complex oil refineries with a total crude oil processing capacity of 678,000 barrels per stream day. It has facilities in Cheyenne, Wyoming, El Dorado, Kansas, Artesia, New Mexico, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Woods Cross, Utah, Sinclair, Wyoming and Casper, Wyoming. It operates three lubricants and specialties facilities in Mississauga, Petrolia, Pennsylvania and in the Netherlands. The company also operates asphalt terminals in Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. The company ranked 279th in the 2021 Fortune 500, based on its 2020 revenue. Wikipedia
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