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HBM Healthcare Investments AG
CHF 198,20
7 feb, 12:09:07 GMT+1 · CHF · SWX · Disclaimer
AandeelEffect wordt verhandeld in CH
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CHF 199,20
CHF 198,00 - CHF 200,00
CHF 155,00 - CHF 214,00
1,38 mld. CHF
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HBM Healthcare Investments is a publicly traded Swiss investment and venture capital firm focusing on emerging technologies in the global healthcare sector. Within healthcare their focus is predominantly in biotechnology, medical technology, diagnostics, therapeutics and digital health. A 2022 article in Swiss daily Luzerner Zeitung profiled HBM and interviewed its CEO, and described the company’s investment strategy as focused on early-stage but post-seed round opportunities. Founded in July 2001 as HBM Bioventures AG by former Roche Chief Financial Officer Henri B. Meier who was its first Chairperson of the Board. A Handelszeitung article from 2020 described Meier's goal when founding the company as to profit from the "thesis" that from the 2000s onwards "Big Pharma is doing less and less research and development itself and is instead acquiring promising biotech companies" In an analysis of how HBM was put together, Swiss magazine Finanz und Wirtschaft described how he was able to raise almost 500 million Swiss Francs for the company launch. HBM is based in Zug and managed by HBM Partners. HBM acquired rival Swiss VC International BM Biomedicine in 2005. Wikipedia
12 jul 2001
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