Hershey Creamery Ord Shs
‏4,025.00 US$
22 نوفمبر, 12:19:14 ص غرينتش-5 · USD · OTCMKTS · بيان إخلاء المسؤولية
سهمورقة مالية مدرَجة في الولايات المتحدة
سعر الإغلاق السابق
‏4,025.00 US$
نطاق الأسعار في سنة
‏3,650.00 US$ - ‏4,600.00 US$
نسبة P/E
عائد أرباح الأسهم
أخبار السوق
Hershey Creamery Company, also known as Hershey's Ice Cream, is an American creamery that produces ice cream, sorbet, sherbet, frozen yogurt, and other frozen desserts such as smoothies and frozen slab-style ice cream mixers. It was founded by Jacob Hershey and four of his brothers in 1894 and taken over by the Holder family in the 1920s. The company was one of the first to offer consumers pre-packaged ice cream pints. The family-owned business has approximately 450 employees and operates 30 distribution centers in 28 states across the Eastern and Northeastern United States. It is a publicly traded company, with its stocks listed only on Pink Sheets as the company offers a limited number of shares to potential shareholders. In 1998, it modernized its operations to increase efficiency and reduce overhead. Hershey Creamery Company has no connection to the Hershey Company, a candy manufacturer, though both companies were founded in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in the same year. The companies have had a tumultuous relationship marked by multiple lawsuits over trademark issues. Wikipedia
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