Önceki kapanış
Günlük aralık
$0,82 - $0,83
Yıllık aralık
$0,82 - $12,83
Piyasa değeri
8,26 Mn EUR
Ort. Hacim
F/K oranı
Temettü getirisi
Birincil borsa
Finansal Bilgiler
Gelir Tablosu
Net gelir
(EUR) | Eyl 2024info | Yıldan yıla değişim |
Gelir | 39,48 Mn | -%30,74 |
İşletme masrafı | 33,82 Mn | %10,34 |
Net gelir | -15,23 Mn | -%2.228,75 |
Net kâr marjı | -38,58 | -%3.254,78 |
Hisse senedi başına kazanç | — | — |
FAVÖK | -12,04 Mn | -%6.030,54 |
Fiilî vergi oranı | %0,64 | — |
Toplam varlık
Toplam sorumluluk
(EUR) | Eyl 2024info | Yıldan yıla değişim |
Nakit ve kısa vadeli yatırım | 14,19 Mn | %33,06 |
Toplam varlık | 247,45 Mn | -%18,62 |
Toplam sorumluluk | 177,01 Mn | -%10,33 |
Toplam net varlık | 70,44 Mn | — |
Tedavüldeki hisse senetleri | 8,54 Mn | — |
Fiyat/defter değeri | 0,75 | — |
Aktif kârlılık oranı | -%15,84 | — |
Sermaye kârlılığı | -%27,36 | — |
Nakit Akışı
Net nakit değişimi
(EUR) | Eyl 2024info | Yıldan yıla değişim |
Net gelir | -15,23 Mn | -%2.228,75 |
İşletme faal. nakit akışı | -8,04 Mn | -%274,38 |
Yatırımdan nakit akışı | 16,50 Mn | %488,13 |
Finansmandan nakit akışı | -2,18 Mn | %51,23 |
Net nakit değişimi | 6,16 Mn | %101,50 |
Serbest nakit akışı | 9,54 Mn | %23.222,73 |
Manz AG is a German multinational engineering company active in the fields of automation, laser processesing, metrology, wet chemistry and roll-to-roll processing. Manz AG bundles its activities into two reporting segments: Mobility & Battery Solutions and Industry Solutions. The focus in the Mobility & Battery Solutions segment is on intelligent production solutions for highly efficient lithium-ion batteries. The Industry Solutions reporting segment is responsible for assembly and production solutions for electronic components and devices, power and consumer electronics, and components for the electric powertrain.
Headquartered in Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, the company has additional production centres in Tübingen as well as international manufacturing sites in Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, China and Taiwan. There are additional sales and service branches in the United States, South Korea and India.
Manz had developed a significant presence in the solar photovoltaic industry. Its activities in this sector focused on the development and supply of integrated systems for the production of CIGS thin-film solar modules. Wikipedia
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