Bosh sahifaMUD • FRA
Mueller Industries Inc
Yopilish kursi
85,50 €
Kunlik diapazon
82,00 € - 82,00 €
Yillik diapazon
36,20 € - 90,50 €
Bozor kapitalizatsiyasi
10,00 mlrd USD
Oʻrtacha hajm
Dividend daromadliligi
Asosiy maydon
Moliyaviy axborot
Moliyaviy hisobot
Sof foyda
(USD) | sen, 2024info | Y/Y qiyosi |
Daromad | 997,83 mln | 21,72% |
Joriy xarajat | 71,37 mln | 23,67% |
Sof foyda | 168,70 mln | 27,12% |
Sof foyda marjasi | 16,91 | 4,45% |
Har bir ulushga tushum | 1,48 | 24,18% |
EBITDA | 215,78 mln | 11,91% |
Amaldagi soliq stavkasi | 22,26% | — |
Jami aktivlari
Jami passivlari
(USD) | sen, 2024info | Y/Y qiyosi |
Naqd pul va qisqa investitsiyalar | 969,56 mln | -12,21% |
Jami aktivlari | 3,21 mlrd | 20,36% |
Jami passivlari | 497,50 mln | 20,60% |
Umumiy kapital | 2,71 mlrd | — |
Tarqatilgan aksiyalar | 113,74 mln | — |
Narxi/balansdagi bahosi | 3,63 | — |
Aktivlardan daromad | 16,26% | — |
Kapitaldan daromad | 19,07% | — |
Pul aylanmasi
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi
(USD) | sen, 2024info | Y/Y qiyosi |
Sof foyda | 168,70 mln | 27,12% |
Operatsiyalardan naqd pul | 231,41 mln | -6,56% |
Sarmoyadan naqd pul | -59,04 mln | -325,35% |
Moliyadan naqd pul | -48,86 mln | -108,52% |
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi | 123,59 mln | -40,53% |
Boʻsh pul | 153,60 mln | -27,71% |
Mueller Industries is an American manufacturing company that specializes in piping, industrial metals and climate machinery. It was founded in 1917 and is included on the Fortune 1000 list in 2022. The head office of the company is located in Memphis, Tennessee. Mueller Industries, Inc. is a multi-billion dollar revenue company that is publicly traded. The company has operations throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, China, South Korea, the Middle East and Great Britain. The current CEO of the company is Gregory L. Christopher, appointed in 2009. Wikipedia
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