AvalehtMX • TSE
Methanex Corp
Viimane sulgemishind
52,64 $
Tänane vahemik
52,25 $ - 53,31 $
Aasta vahemik
49,21 $ - 78,18 $
3,55 mld CAD
Keskmine maht
194,06 tuh
P/E suhe
(USD) | dets 2024info | Y/Y muutus |
Käive | 948,96 mln | 2,88% |
Põhitegevusega seonduv kulu | 150,29 mln | −18,37% |
Puhastulu | 45,07 mln | 34,59% |
Puhaskasumimarginaal | 4,75 | 30,85% |
Puhaskasum aktsia kohta | 1,24 | 138,46% |
EBITDA | 246,31 mln | 64,26% |
Tõhus maksumäär | 13,67% | — |
Kogu vara
Kõik kohustused
(USD) | dets 2024info | Y/Y muutus |
Sularaha ja lühiajalised investeeringud | 891,91 mln | 94,73% |
Kogu vara | 6,60 mld | 2,65% |
Kõik kohustused | 4,22 mld | −0,89% |
Kogu omakapital | 2,38 mld | — |
Emiteeritud aktsiate arv | 67,40 mln | — |
Hinna ja väärtuse suhe P/B | 1,69 | — |
Varade tasuvus | 5,95% | — |
Kapitali tasuvus | 7,15% | — |
Raha ja raha ekvivalentide muutus
(USD) | dets 2024info | Y/Y muutus |
Puhastulu | 45,07 mln | 34,59% |
Põhitegevuse rahakäive | 280,92 mln | 43,88% |
Investeeringute raha | 3,53 mln | 103,51% |
Finantseerimise raha | 96,36 mln | 158,22% |
Raha ja raha ekvivalentide muutus | 380,81 mln | 638,77% |
Tasuta rahavoog | 40,04 mln | −40,36% |
Methanex Corporation is a Canadian company that supplies, distributes and markets methanol worldwide.
Methanex is the world’s largest producer and supplier of methanol to major international markets in North and South America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Methanex is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and operates production sites in Canada, Chile, Egypt, New Zealand, the United States, and Trinidad and Tobago. Its global operations are supported by an extensive global supply chain of terminals, storage facilities and the world’s largest dedicated fleet of methanol ocean tankers.
Methanex Corporation challenged California's plan to eliminate methyl tertiary butyl ether from gasoline on grounds of water pollution prevention, claiming protection under Chapter 11 of NAFTA and demanding US$970 million in compensation from the state. The challenge was ultimately not successful and Methanex was ordered to reimburse the U.S. government $4 million in litigation costs.
In 2012, Methanex announced that it acquired land in Geismar, Louisiana, and that it would move one of its idle Chilean methanol plants there. Wikipedia
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