TuisN1WG34 • BVMF
Natwest Group Plc Bdr
21 Okt., 15:40:56 GMT-3 · BRL · BVMF · Vrywaring
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R$53,70 - R$54,65
R$21,60 - R$54,65
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NatWest Group PLC is a British banking and insurance holding company, based in Edinburgh, Scotland. The group operates a wide variety of banking brands offering personal and business banking, private banking, investment banking, insurance and corporate finance. In the United Kingdom, its main subsidiary companies are National Westminster Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, NatWest Markets and Coutts. The group issues banknotes in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Before the 2007–2008 financial crisis, NatWest was very briefly the largest bank in the world, and for a period was the second-largest bank in the UK and Europe and the fifth-largest in the world by market capitalisation. Subsequently, with a slumping share price and major loss of confidence, the bank fell sharply in the rankings, although in 2009 it was briefly the world's largest company by both assets and liabilities. It was bailed out by the UK government via the 2008 United Kingdom bank rescue package. The government retained a majority share until 28 March 2022, held and managed through UK Government Investments. It has subsequently reduced its shareholding in a series of transactions. Wikipedia
25 Mrt. 1968
60 600
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Alle data en inligting word “voetstoots” en uitsluitlik vir persoonlike inligtingsdoeleindes verskaf; dit is nie bedoel as finansiële advies of vir verhandeling nie, en ook nie as beleggings-, belasting-, regs-, rekeningkundige of ander advies nie. Google is nie 'n beleggingsadviseur of 'n finansiële adviseur nie, en spreek geen beskouing, aanbeveling of mening uit ten opsigte van enige van die maatskappye wat by hierdie lys ingesluit word of enige effekte wat deur daardie maatskappye uitgereik word nie. Raadpleeg asseblief jou makelaar of finansiële verteenwoordiger om pryse te verifieer voordat jy enige handelstransaksies uitvoer. Kom meer te wete
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