National Aluminium Co Ltd
Predch. zatv. cena
196,88 ₹
Denný rozsah
197,00 ₹ - 202,20 ₹
Rozsah rokov
130,25 ₹ - 262,99 ₹
Trhová kapitalizácia
368,11 mld. INR
Priemerný objem
8,48 mil.
Dividendový výnos
3,99 %
Hlavná burza
Novinky na trhu
Finančné údaje
Výkaz ziskov a strát
Čisté príjmy
(INR) | 9/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Výnosy | 40,01 mld. | 31,48 % |
Prevádzkové náklady | 11,77 mld. | 3,35 % |
Čisté príjmy | 10,46 mld. | 458,30 % |
Čistá zisková marža | 26,14 | 324,35 % |
Earnings per share | 5,78 | 416,07 % |
Zisk pred zdanením, úrokmi, odpismi | 15,46 mld. | 298,23 % |
Skutočná daňová sadzba | 26,36 % | — |
Celkové aktíva
Celkové záväzky
(INR) | 9/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Hotovosť a krátk. invest. | 40,64 mld. | 75,55 % |
Celkové aktíva | 205,25 mld. | 12,45 % |
Celkové záväzky | 48,82 mld. | 1,90 % |
Celkový kapitál | 156,43 mld. | — |
Shares outstanding | 1,84 mld. | — |
Pomer ceny a účt. hodnoty | 2,31 | — |
Rentabilita aktív | — | — |
Rentabilita kapitálu | 22,65 % | — |
Peňažný tok
Čistá zmena množstva peňažných prostriedkov
(INR) | 9/2024info | Zmena medziročne |
Čisté príjmy | 10,46 mld. | 458,30 % |
Prevádzkový peňažný tok | — | — |
Peniaze z investícií | — | — |
Peniaze z financovania | — | — |
Čistá zmena množstva peňažných prostriedkov | — | — |
Voľný peňažný tok | — | — |
National Aluminium Company Limited is an Indian public sector company having integrated and diversified operations in mining, metal and power. Presently, the Government of India holds a 51.28% equity stake in NALCO, while the Ministry of Mines has administrative control over the company.
It is one of the largest integrated bauxite–alumina–aluminium–power complex in the country, encompassing bauxite mining, alumina refining, aluminium smelting and casting, power generation, rail and port operations.
The company pursues its R&D activities fervently and has already filed 36 patents out of which 17 patents have been granted and 5 have been commercialized until Dec 2018.
The company is the lowest-cost producer of metallurgical grade alumina in the world and lowest-cost producer of bauxite in the world as per a Wood McKenzie report. With sustained quality products, the company's export earnings accounted for about 42% of the sales turnover in the year 2018–19 and the company is rated as third-highest net export earning CPSE as per a Public Enterprise Survey report.
The company is harnessing renewable energy aligning to the ambitious programmes of the Indian government. Wikipedia
Dátum založenia
4 858