CTF Services Sponsored American Depositary Receipts
Претходно закључено
9,94 $
Годишњи опсег
8,10 $ - 16,00 $
Тржишна вредност
29,14 млрд. HKD
Просечна количина
Вести са тржишта
Биланс успеха
Нето приход
(HKD) | јун 2024.info | Промена Г/Г |
Приход | 6,22 млрд. | -11,22% |
Трошкови пословања | -704,30 мил. | 18,47% |
Нето приход | 610,70 мил. | 34,22% |
Нето профитабилност | 9,82 | 51,31% |
Зарада по акцији | — | — |
EBITDA | 2,08 млрд. | -6,31% |
Ефективна пореска стопа | 21,04% | — |
Биланс стања
Укупна актива
Укупне обавезе
(HKD) | јун 2024.info | Промена Г/Г |
Готовина и кратк. улагања | 25,45 млрд. | -23,06% |
Укупна актива | 155,08 млрд. | 0,37% |
Укупне обавезе | 111,73 млрд. | 13,13% |
Укупна вредност акција | 43,35 млрд. | — |
Неисплаћене акције | 4,00 млрд. | — |
Тржишна према номиналној | 1,02 | — |
Повраћај активе | 2,76% | — |
Повраћај капитала | 5,79% | — |
Ток новца
Нето промена у новцу
(HKD) | јун 2024.info | Промена Г/Г |
Нето приход | 610,70 мил. | 34,22% |
Готовина из пословања | 1,34 млрд. | -41,52% |
Готовина из инвестирања | 1,08 млрд. | 327,32% |
Готовина из финансирања | -4,95 млрд. | -408,49% |
Нето промена у новцу | -2,56 млрд. | -431,82% |
Слободан ток новца | 1,17 млрд. | -8,48% |
Основни подаци
CTF Services Limited, is a conglomerate with a diversified portfolio of market-leading businesses, predominantly in Hong Kong and the Mainland under Chow Tai Fook Enterprise. Operating businesses include toll roads, insurance, logistics, construction and facilities management.
CTF Services Limited, formerly known as NWS Holdings Limited, was established in 2002 when its predecessor, Pacific Ports Company Limited, acquired New World Services Limited from New World Development and the infrastructure assets from New World Infrastructure Limited. The company is headed by Henry Cheng, the elder son of Dr Cheng Yu-tung. Mr. Brian Cheng and Mr. Gilbert Ho are the Co-Chief Executive Officers of the Company.
Before 2020, the company was involved in infrastructure and service businesses in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Macau. Its infrastructure division included roads, energy, water and ports projects. Its service division comprised facilities management, construction, finance and transportation.
NWS has been optimizing its business portfolio since 2018. In August 2020, the Citybus and New World First Bus subsidiaries were sold to Bravo Transport. Wikipedia
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