Ocean Power Technologies Inc
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Tutup: 19 Feb, 19.47.04 GMT-5 · USD · NYSEAMERICAN · Pernyataan Penyangkalan
Tutup sebelumnya
Rentang hari
$0,69 - $0,74
Rentang tahun
$0,12 - $1,75
Kapitalisasi pasar
102,08Â jt USD
Volume Rata-Rata
20,57Â jt
Rasio P/E
Hasil dividen
Berita pasar
Laporan Pendapatan
Laba bersih
(USD) | Okt 2024info | Perubahan Y/Y |
Pendapatan | 2,42Â jt | 171,99% |
Biaya operasional | 4,71Â jt | -41,09% |
Laba bersih | -3,91Â jt | 45,75% |
Margin laba bersih | -161,83 | 80,05% |
Penghasilan per saham | — | — |
EBITDA | -3,63Â jt | 50,72% |
Tarif pajak efektif | — | — |
Total aset
Total liabilitas
(USD) | Okt 2024info | Perubahan Y/Y |
Investasi tunai jangka pdk | 2,09Â jt | -88,82% |
Total aset | 26,95Â jt | -31,99% |
Total liabilitas | 4,83Â jt | -39,44% |
Total ekuitas | 22,12 jt | — |
Saham yang beredar | 146,04 jt | — |
Harga terhadap nilai buku | 3,94 | — |
Tingkat pengembalian aset | -34,88% | — |
Tingkat pengembalian modal | -39,78% | — |
Arus Kas
Perubahan kas bersih
(USD) | Okt 2024info | Perubahan Y/Y |
Laba bersih | -3,91Â jt | 45,75% |
Kas dari operasi | -4,77Â jt | 36,50% |
Kas dari investasi | 246,00Â rb | -96,44% |
Kas dari pembiayaan | 3,43Â jt | 11.727,59% |
Perubahan kas bersih | -1,09Â jt | -90,23% |
Arus kas bebas | -2,74Â jt | 50,07% |
Ocean Power Technologies is a U.S. publicly owned renewable energy company, providing electric power and communications solutions, services and related for remote offshore applications. The company's PowerBuoy wave energy conversion technology is theoretically scalable to hundreds of megawatts and the generated energy from wave power can be supplied to the grid via submarine cables. Several projects were undertaken around the world, but the economic viability of the theoretical concept has been problematic.
Ocean Power was involved in several large PowerBuoy projects, including a very large Australian project with Lockheed Martin from 2012–2014, when they determined that "the project wasn’t 'commercially viable,' and [the company] changed its strategy. It has since commercialized the technology by providing power and communications to remote sites such as offshore oil fields."
Ocean Power Technologies Australasia Pty Ltd, OPTA is an Australian-owned subsidiary of Ocean Power Technologies Inc, previously engaged in wave power projects in Australia. Ocean Power Technologies Limited is the UK-based wholly owned subsidiary. Wikipedia
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