होमOSK • TSE
Osisko Mining Inc
$ ४.८८
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स्टकCA मा सूचीकृत स्टकCA मा प्रधान कार्यालय रहेको
अघिल्लो दिनको अन्तिम मूल्य
$ ४.८७
दिनको न्यूनतम र अधिकतम मूल्य
$ ४.८७ - $ ४.८८
वर्षको न्यूनतम र अधिकतम मूल्य
$ २.४१ - $ ४.८९
कम्पनीको कुल सेयरको बजार मूल्य
१.८६ अरब CAD
औसत कारोबार
२३.३३ लाख
लागत र आम्दानीको अनुपात
लाभांशबापत हुने कमाइ
धितोपत्र विनिमय हुने मुख्य बजार
बजारसम्बन्धी समाचार
The Osisko Mining Corporation is a Canadian company that conducts mineral exploration work with a focus on seeking to develop a gold mine in Ontario or Quebec. The company adopted its name following the 2015 merger of five companies that resulted in the re-uniting of the executive management team of the original Osisko Mining Corporation. The new Osisko Mining Corporation is the continuation of Oban Mining Corporation, which itself was the result of the 2014 merger between two Toronto Stock Exchange-listed mineral exploration companies active in South America, Braeval Mining Corporation and Oban Exploration Limited. The other mineral exploration companies involved in the 2015 merger were the TSX Venture Exchange-listed companies Eagle Hill Exploration whose Windfall Lake project would become Osisko's principal project, Temex Resources who brought with it net smelter return royalties on the Canadian Malartic Mine and Goldcorp's Éléonore mine, as well as Corona Gold and Ryan Gold whose primary assets were cash and securities. Wikipedia
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२०१० फेब्रुअरी २६
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