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Ruffer Investment Company Ltd
Прет. посл. цена
277,50 GBX
Дневен опсег
276,00 GBX - 279,00 GBX
Годишен опсег
261,50 GBX - 289,50 GBX
Пазарна капитализација
904,89 М GBP
Просечен обем
941,50 илј.
Сооднос Ц/З
Принос од дивиденда
1,84 %
Примарна берза
Вести за пазарот
Ruffer Investment Company is a British investment company dedicated to investments in internationally listed or quoted equities or equity related securities. Established in 1994, the company is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. The chairman is Chris Russell. It is managed by Ruffer Investment Management Limited, a business of which Jonathan Ruffer is the chairman.
Ruffer’s single investment strategy is defined by two simple investment objectives: not to lose money in any 12 month period and generate returns meaningfully ahead of the return on cash.
The company announced it would open an American office in New York City in May 2023. Wikipedia
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