SPG100 • 지수
S&P Global 100
11월 27일, 오전 8시 5분 11초 GMT-5 · INDEXSP · 면책조항
전일 종가
일일 변동폭
4,008.19 - 4,045.49
52주 변동폭
3,141.22 - 4,107.12
시장 뉴스
The S&P Global 100 Index is a stock market index of global stocks from Standard & Poor's. The S&P Global 100 measures the performance of 100 multi-national companies. It includes 100 large-cap companies from the S&P Global 1200 whose businesses are global in nature, and that derive a substantial portion of their operating income from multiple countries. This index meets the needs of investors wishing to track the performance of global companies. With 100 highly liquid constituents, it is designed to support low-cost, index investment products, including exchange-traded funds and listed derivatives such as futures contracts and options. The companies are selected from 29 local markets, and are weighted in the index by their market capitalization. Wikipedia
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