Toronto-Dominion Bank Preferred Shares Series 1
Претходно закључено
17,85 $
Годишњи опсег
17,85 $ - 18,00 $
Тржишна вредност
99,82 млрд. USD
Добит од дивиденди
У вестима
Биланс успеха
Нето приход
(CAD) | окт 2024.info | Промена Г/Г |
Приход | 14,68 млрд. | 5,29% |
Трошкови пословања | 10,24 млрд. | 21,50% |
Нето приход | 3,64 млрд. | 26,83% |
Нето профитабилност | 24,76 | 20,43% |
Зарада по акцији | 1,72 | -6,01% |
EBITDA | — | — |
Ефективна пореска стопа | 12,81% | — |
Биланс стања
Укупна актива
Укупне обавезе
(CAD) | окт 2024.info | Промена Г/Г |
Готовина и кратк. улагања | 635,31 млрд. | 16,31% |
Укупна актива | 2,06 бил. | 5,45% |
Укупне обавезе | 1,95 бил. | 5,62% |
Укупна вредност акција | 115,16 млрд. | — |
Неисплаћене акције | 1,75 млрд. | — |
Тржишна према номиналној | 0,28 | — |
Повраћај активе | 0,72% | — |
Повраћај капитала | — | — |
Ток новца
Нето промена у новцу
(CAD) | окт 2024.info | Промена Г/Г |
Нето приход | 3,64 млрд. | 26,83% |
Готовина из пословања | 33,17 млрд. | 223,63% |
Готовина из инвестирања | -80,12 млрд. | -888,71% |
Готовина из финансирања | 46,10 млрд. | 35,65% |
Нето промена у новцу | -808,00 мил. | -15,59% |
Слободан ток новца | — | — |
Основни подаци
Toronto-Dominion Bank, doing business as TD Bank Group, is a Canadian multinational banking and financial services corporation headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. The bank was created on February 1, 1955, through the merger of the Bank of Toronto and the Dominion Bank, which were founded in 1855 and 1869, respectively. It is one of two Big Five banks of Canada founded in Toronto, the other being the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
In 2021, according to Standard & Poor's, TD Bank Group was the largest bank in Canada by total assets and also by market capitalization, a top 10 bank in North America, and the 23rd largest bank in the world. In 2019, it was designated a global systemically important bank by the Financial Stability Board. In 2023, the company was ranked 43rd in the Forbes Global 2000.
The bank and its subsidiaries have over 89,000 employees and over 26 million clients worldwide. In Canada, the bank operates through its TD Canada Trust division and serves more than 11 million customers at over 1,091 branches. In the United States, the company operates through their subsidiary TD Bank, N.A., which was created through the merger of TD Banknorth and Commerce Bank. Wikipedia
Извршни директор: CEO
Датум оснивања
1. 2. 1955.
Број запослених