InicioTHC • NYSE
Tenet Healthcare
124,56 $
Después del cierre:
124,56 $
(0,00 %)0,00
Cerrados: 3 mar, 17:08:01 GMT-5 · USD · NYSE · Renuncia de responsabilidad
AcciónValor cotizado en EE. UU.Sede en EE. UU.
Cierre anterior
126,59 $
Intervalo diario
123,98 $ - 128,08 $
Intervalo anual
90,03 $ - 171,20 $
Cap. bursátil
11,85 mil M USD
Volumen medio
1,52 M
Relación precio-beneficio
Rentabilidad por dividendo
Bolsa de valores principal
En las noticias
Datos financieros
Estado de resultados
Ingresos netos
(USD)dic 2024Cambio interanual
5072,00 M-5,71 %
Gastos operativos
1198,00 M-8,41 %
Ingresos netos
318,00 M30,33 %
Margen de beneficio neto
6,2738,11 %
Beneficios por acción
3,4428,36 %
1041,00 M0,19 %
Tipo impositivo efectivo
12,67 %
Activos totales
Responsabilidades totales
(USD)dic 2024Cambio interanual
Efectivo y a corto plazo
3019,00 M145,85 %
Activos totales
28,94 mil M2,20 %
Responsabilidades totales
20,39 mil M-10,59 %
Patrimonio total
8547,00 M
Acciones en circulación
95,12 M
Precio-valor contable
Rentabilidad económica
7,27 %
Retorno sobre capital
9,68 %
Variación neta del flujo de caja
(USD)dic 2024Cambio interanual
Ingresos netos
318,00 M30,33 %
Efectivo de operaciones
-331,00 M-140,17 %
Efectivo de inversión
-372,00 M-11,71 %
Efectivo de financiación
-372,00 M-17,35 %
Variación neta del flujo de caja
-1075,00 M-717,82 %
Flujo de caja libre
-1140,88 M-1.266,32 %
Información sobre la empresa
Tenet Healthcare Corporation is an American for-profit multinational healthcare services company based in Dallas, Texas. Through its brands, subsidiaries, joint ventures, and partnerships, including United Surgical Partners International, the company operates 65 hospitals and over 450 healthcare facilities. Tenet also operates Conifer Health Solutions, which provides healthcare support services to health systems and other clients. Since its founding in 1969, Tenet has expanded significantly. Among other major acquisitions and formations, Tenet founded Conifer Health Solutions in 2008, MedPost Urgent Care in 2014, and in 2013 acquired Vanguard Health Systems, Inc., an investor-owned hospital company whose operations complemented Tenet's existing business. The acquisition created the third-largest investor-owned hospital company in the United States in terms of revenue and the third-largest in number of hospitals owned. In 2015, Tenet acquired USPI, which created the largest operator of outpatient surgery centers in the United States. In 2021, the company ranked 167th in the Fortune 500. Wikipedia
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