Tietoevry Oyj
kr 203,20
25 Feb, 11.11.10 GMT+1 · SEK · STO · Pernyataan Penyangkalan
SahamSekuritas terdaftar di SE
Tutup sebelumnya
kr 204,60
Rentang hari
kr 202,60 - kr 204,00
Rentang tahun
kr 188,00 - kr 246,40
Kapitalisasi pasar
2,16 M EUR
Volume Rata-Rata
26,64 rb
Rasio P/E
Hasil dividen
Bursa utama
Berita pasar
Laporan Pendapatan
Laba bersih
(EUR)Des 2024Perubahan Y/Y
698,70 jt-7,19%
Biaya operasional
121,30 jt4,93%
Laba bersih
-167,70 jt-404,91%
Margin laba bersih
Penghasilan per saham
73,40 jt-25,18%
Tarif pajak efektif
Total aset
Total liabilitas
(EUR)Des 2024Perubahan Y/Y
Investasi tunai jangka pdk
208,80 jt-11,94%
Total aset
3,05 M-13,19%
Total liabilitas
1,76 M-7,86%
Total ekuitas
1,30 M
Saham yang beredar
118,59 jt
Harga terhadap nilai buku
Tingkat pengembalian aset
Tingkat pengembalian modal
Perubahan kas bersih
(EUR)Des 2024Perubahan Y/Y
Laba bersih
-167,70 jt-404,91%
Kas dari operasi
127,60 jt-16,60%
Kas dari investasi
-6,00 jt56,83%
Kas dari pembiayaan
-108,90 jt-27,82%
Perubahan kas bersih
13,30 jt-75,95%
Arus kas bebas
4,80 jt-85,06%
Tietoevry Corporation is a Finnish IT software and service company providing IT and product engineering services. Tietoevry is domiciled in Espoo, Finland, and the company's shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, NASDAQ OMX Stockholm and Oslo Stock Exchange. Tietoevry has approximately 24,000 employees across 20 countries, and has customers in the energy, forestry, banking, healthcare and public sectors. In June 2019, Tieto paid EUR 1.2 billion for the acquisition of similar-sized IT company EVRY. The intention was to expand on the Nordic market. The new company would be named TietoEVRY, have over 24.000 employees and generate a projected revenue of over EUR 3 billion for the fiscal year 2020. At the end of 2015, the number of full-time employees was over 13,000 in more than 20 countries. 28% are located in Finland, 19% in Sweden, 17% in India, 15% in Czech Republic, 5% in Latvia, and the rest spread across other countries. 28% of the employees worldwide are women. Net sales by country was Finland 47%, Sweden 36%, and International 17%. As of 2014, 42.7% of Tieto's shareholders are Finnish and 3% are Swedish and 1% Bulgarian. Wikipedia
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