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TAURON Polska Energia SA
Chiusura precedente
4,49 zł
Intervallo giornaliero
4,46 zł - 4,55 zł
Intervallo annuale
2,77 zł - 4,55 zł
Cap di mercato
7,97 Mld PLN
Volume medio
2,28 Mln
Rapporto P/E
Borsa valori principale
Notizie del mercato finanziario
Dati finanziari
Conto economico
Utile netto
(PLN) | set 2024info | Variazione Y/Y |
Entrate | 8,13 Mld | -26,55% |
Spese di gestione | 337,00 Mln | -4,80% |
Utile netto | 635,00 Mln | 64,94% |
Margine di profitto netto | 7,81 | 124,43% |
Utili per azione | — | — |
EBITDA | 1,38 Mld | 25,36% |
Aliquota fiscale effettiva | 15,20% | — |
Stato patrimoniale
Totale attivo
Totale passivo
(PLN) | set 2024info | Variazione Y/Y |
Investimenti cash/breve termine | 565,00 Mln | -71,66% |
Totale attivo | 45,80 Mld | -6,34% |
Totale passivo | 28,18 Mld | -6,85% |
Patrimonio netto totale | 17,62 Mld | — |
Azioni in circolazione | 1,75 Mld | — |
Prezzo/valore contabile | 0,45 | — |
Redditività dell'attivo | 4,82% | — |
Rendimento sul capitale | 6,66% | — |
Flusso di cassa
Flusso di cassa netto
(PLN) | set 2024info | Variazione Y/Y |
Utile netto | 635,00 Mln | 64,94% |
Liquidità di esercizio | -780,00 Mln | -126,90% |
Contanti da investimenti | -1,38 Mld | -13,79% |
Contanti da finanziamenti | 2,24 Mld | 340,95% |
Flusso di cassa netto | 79,00 Mln | -89,27% |
Flusso di cassa libero | -2,51 Mld | -277,61% |
Tauron Polska Energia S.A. is an energy holding company in Poland. It is headquartered in Katowice. The company owns power and heat generation and distribution, and coal mining assets through a number of companies, particularly in south-western Poland. It is the second biggest company in terms of energy production in Poland.
Tauron was established in December 2006 as Energetyka Południe. In 2007, the Ministry of State Treasury of Poland transferred to the company 85% of shares in Południowy Koncern Energetyczny, 85% of shares in Enion, 85% of shares in EnergiaPro, 85% of shares in Elektrownia Stalowa Wola, 95.5% of shares in Elektrociepłownia Tychy, and 95.66% stake in Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej. As a result, the Tauron Group became one of the largest companies in Poland. Wikipedia
6 dic 2006
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