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Viscofan SA
61,50 €
22 nov, 22:03:00 GMT+1 · EUR · BME · Disclaimer
Titolo azionarioTitolo quotato in ES
Chiusura precedente
60,60 €
Intervallo giornaliero
60,50 € - 61,70 €
Intervallo annuale
51,70 € - 64,40 €
Cap di mercato
2,81 Mld EUR
Volume medio
Rapporto P/E
Borsa valori principale
Indice climatico CDP
Notizie del mercato finanziario
Dati finanziari
Conto economico
Utile netto
(EUR)set 2024Variazione Y/Y
305,66 Mln2,67%
Spese di gestione
150,10 Mln3,19%
Utile netto
37,48 Mln-1,16%
Margine di profitto netto
Utili per azione
73,60 Mln21,43%
Aliquota fiscale effettiva
Totale attivo
Totale passivo
(EUR)set 2024Variazione Y/Y
Investimenti cash/breve termine
64,67 Mln-17,26%
Totale attivo
1,41 Mld-0,77%
Totale passivo
475,55 Mln12,69%
Patrimonio netto totale
932,49 Mln
Azioni in circolazione
45,66 Mln
Prezzo/valore contabile
Redditività dell'attivo
Rendimento sul capitale
Flusso di cassa netto
(EUR)set 2024Variazione Y/Y
Utile netto
37,48 Mln-1,16%
Liquidità di esercizio
Contanti da investimenti
Contanti da finanziamenti
Flusso di cassa netto
Flusso di cassa libero
Viscofan is a Spanish manufacturer of casings for meat products valid in over 100 countries around the world. It is the only world producer with the capacity to manufacture the four main technologies available on the casings or artificial casings market. Its production process is based on the physical and chemical treatment of the raw materials, which, through mechanical or physical-chemical rupture and later homogenization and mixes, become a mass that can be extruded in the production process. The extrusion operation is performed by pressing the mass, either through a ring or through a slot. This produces a small casing that can later be rolled onto spools or rolls and that can undergo a series of transformation processes, among which particularly noteworthy is the tripe pleating and occasionally its printing and closure; all to facilitate its storage and later distribution in the form of sticks, so that clients can use them easily in their cold meat production machinery. The company has been trading in the Madrid Stock Exchange General Index since December 1986 and is a former component of the IBEX 35. Wikipedia
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