PĂ gina d'iniciW1PP34 âą BVMF
Tancament anterior
47,70Â R$
Interval de preus d'avui
47,65Â R$ - 47,65Â R$
Interval anual
44,65Â R$ - 64,50Â R$
Capitalit. borsĂ ria
6789,98Â M GBP
Volum mitjĂ
A les notĂcies
Balanç de resultats
Ingressos nets
(GBP) | des. del 2024info | VariaciĂł interanual |
Ingressos | 3757,00Â M | -1,44Â % |
Despesa d'explotaciĂł | 254,50Â M | -58,96Â % |
Ingressos nets | 168,50Â M | 21.162,50Â % |
Marge de benefici net | 4,48 | 22.500,00Â % |
Benefici per acciĂł | â | â |
Ebitda | 515,50Â M | 192,07Â % |
Taxa impositiva efectiva | 44,73Â % | â |
Actiu total
Passiu total
(GBP) | des. del 2024info | VariaciĂł interanual |
Efectiu i invers. a curt terme | 2638,00Â M | 18,96Â % |
Actiu total | 25,51Â kM | -4,18Â % |
Passiu total | 21,78Â kM | -4,45Â % |
Capital total | 3734,00Â M | â |
Accions en circulaciĂł | 1078,80Â M | â |
RĂ tio cotitzaciĂł-valor | 14,81 | â |
Rendiment | 4,42Â % | â |
Rendibilitat d'inversiĂł | 11,18Â % | â |
Flux de caixa
VariaciĂł neta de l'efectiu
(GBP) | des. del 2024info | VariaciĂł interanual |
Ingressos nets | 168,50Â M | 21.162,50Â % |
Efectiu d'operacions | 974,00Â M | 15,79Â % |
Efectiu d'inversiĂł | 194,00Â M | 519,91Â % |
Efectiu de finançament | -891,00 M | -45,46 % |
VariaciĂł neta de l'efectiu | 261,50Â M | 51,95Â % |
Flux de caixa lliure | 295,19Â M | 128,19Â % |
WPP plc is a British multinational communications, advertising, public relations, technology, and commerce holding company headquartered in London, England. It is the world's largest advertising company, as of 2023. WPP plc owns many companies, which include advertising, public relations, media, and market research networks such as AKQA, BCW, CMI Media Group, EssenceMediacom, Finsbury, Grey, Hill & Knowlton, Mindshare, Ogilvy, Wavemaker, and VML. It is one of the "Big Four" agency companies, alongside Publicis, The Interpublic Group of Companies, and Omnicom Group. WPP has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange, and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.
On 14 April 2018, Martin Sorrell retired 33 years after founding the company, following allegations of bullying and sexual indescretions, and Roberto Quarta was appointed chairman. Mark Read was appointed CEO in September 2018. Wikipedia
Conseller delegat, CO
Data de fundaciĂł
1 de març 1971
Lloc web