InicioWIG30 • Índice
6 feb, 15:48:00 GMT+1 · WSE · Renuncia de responsabilidad
Cierre anterior
Intervalo diario
3.074,06 - 3.127,44
Intervalo anual
2.662,42 - 3.263,72
Información sobre la empresa
The WIG30 is a capitalization-weighted stock market index of the thirty major Polish blue chip companies traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The WIG30 index has been published since 23 September, 2013, based on the value of the portfolio of shares of the 30 largest and most liquid companies on the WSE Main Market. The base value of the index was established on December 28, 2012, and amounted to 2,582.98 points. The index is published alongside WIG20 index. WIG30 is a price-type index, which means that when calculating it, only the prices of transactions concluded in it are taken into account, and no dividend income is included. The WIG30 index may not include more than 7 companies from one exchange sector, and the share of one company is limited to 10% in the index. It is computed daily between 09:00 and 17:10 Hours CET. Wikipedia
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