Bosh sahifaWRBY • NYSE
Warby Parker Inc
23,11 $
Seans yopilganidan keyin:(0,22%)-0,050
23,06 $
Yopilgan:22-noy, 20:00:00 (GMT-5) · USD · NYSE · Ogohlantirish
Yopilish kursi
23,27 $
Kunlik diapazon
22,78 $ - 23,83 $
Yillik diapazon
10,28 $ - 23,83 $
Bozor kapitalizatsiyasi
2,78 mlrd USD
Oʻrtacha hajm
1,66 mln
Dividend daromadliligi
Asosiy maydon
Moliyaviy axborot
Moliyaviy hisobot
Sof foyda
(USD) | sen, 2024info | Y/Y qiyosi |
Daromad | 192,45 mln | 13,30% |
Joriy xarajat | 111,38 mln | 2,04% |
Sof foyda | -4,07 mln | 76,62% |
Sof foyda marjasi | -2,12 | 79,32% |
Har bir ulushga tushum | 0,06 | 461,00% |
EBITDA | 5,32 mln | 179,85% |
Amaldagi soliq stavkasi | -7,98% | — |
Jami aktivlari
Jami passivlari
(USD) | sen, 2024info | Y/Y qiyosi |
Naqd pul va qisqa investitsiyalar | 251,03 mln | 16,24% |
Jami aktivlari | 637,99 mln | 10,98% |
Jami passivlari | 301,24 mln | 11,46% |
Umumiy kapital | 336,75 mln | — |
Tarqatilgan aksiyalar | 120,34 mln | — |
Narxi/balansdagi bahosi | 8,31 | — |
Aktivlardan daromad | -2,59% | — |
Kapitaldan daromad | -3,09% | — |
Pul aylanmasi
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi
(USD) | sen, 2024info | Y/Y qiyosi |
Sof foyda | -4,07 mln | 76,62% |
Operatsiyalardan naqd pul | 27,28 mln | 36,88% |
Sarmoyadan naqd pul | -14,22 mln | 13,74% |
Moliyadan naqd pul | 47,00 ming | -72,99% |
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi | 13,07 mln | 295,10% |
Boʻsh pul | 14,25 mln | 80,07% |
Warby Parker Inc. is an American manufacturer and retailer of prescription glasses, contact lenses, and sunglasses, based in New York City. Founded in 2010, it was initially an online-only retailer. It now receives about 90% of its revenue from its 237 physical retail stores, 232 of which are in the U.S. and 5 of which are in Canada. It also offers eye exams. The company has 2.28 million customers, with an average order value of $263. The company's goal is to operate 900 stores.
Warby Parker is headquartered in New York City. The name "Warby Parker" derives from two characters that appear in a journal written by Jack Kerouac.
Warby Parker designs its products in-house and sells them directly to consumers through its website and stores. The company orders its own materials, such as acetate, from Italy and then manufactures frames at the same Chinese factories as competitors such as Luxottica. Wikipedia
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