Xiaomi Corp
18 Okt., 20:10:00 GMT-4 · USD · OTCMKTS · Vrywaring
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$3,03 - $3,20
$1,51 - $3,40
612,69 mjd HKD
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Xiaomi Corporation, commonly known as Xiaomi, is a Chinese designer and manufacturer of consumer electronics and related software, home appliances, automobiles and household hardware, with headquarters in Beijing, China. It is the second-largest manufacturer of smartphones in the world, behind Samsung, most of which run on the MIUI operating system. The company is ranked 338th and is the youngest company on the Fortune Global 500. Xiaomi stores Xiaomi was founded in 2010 in Beijing by Lei Jun along with six associates. Lei had founded Kingsoft as well as, the latter of which he sold to Amazon for $75 million in 2004. In August 2011, Xiaomi released its first smartphone and, by 2014, it had the largest market share of smartphones sold in China. Initially the company only sold its products online; however, it later opened brick and mortar stores. By 2015, it was developing a wide range of consumer electronics. In 2020, the company sold 149.4 million smartphones and its MIUI mobile operating system has over 500 million monthly active users. Wikipedia
06 Apr. 2010
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